Josie Maran Argan Oil Hair Serum - Beauty Review

Josie Maran

Argan Oil Hair Serum

Rp. 30



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19 - 24

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

16 Feb 2020

fadlikadelia recommends this product!

Bagus banget hehehe repurchase....................... pastinya !!! Pokoknya bagus banget ya buat yang mau pakek harus cobaaaa guysssss karna emg se bagus ituuuu!!!! Huh gatau mau tuli review apa lg bingung intinya bagus jangan sampe ga beli ya.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : FD Flash Sale



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Neutral

06 Apr 2019

My sister told me three months ago about this product. She knew of it from several friends of hers. They had told my sister from time to time then, that this product worked very nicely on people with oily hair. Without no more doubts on her mind, my sister purchased it because her hair type is oily. On the other hand, she actually recommended it to me as well because my hair scalp was oily at that moment, which was three months ago. I will be repurchasing it on my own, if it runs out because I’m not using it too much since my hair is not oily nowadays.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

27 Feb 2019

not bad.
repurchase bgt si, awal aku tau produk ini dr tmn ku dan akuhirnyaa aku beli. ini si cocok bgt gtuuuu di rambut akuuu, sukaa dehhhh luv bgt hehe wanginyaa jg enak si bagi aku. pokoknya suka bgt.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Cool

09 Feb 2019

Ak suka banget sama oil ini yang selalu ku jadikan serum kalo malam . Benefit nya buat kulit kepala ga gampang ketombean sama bercabang . Bagus banget kalo lg rontok . Walaupun ga pake sering ya karena aku lepek jg , pake malam siang nya lgs keramas berasa lembut banget

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Combination, Medium, Warm

25 Dec 2018

udah purchased 2 kali . love it banget karena emang bikin rambut jadi lebih lembut dan gak kusut lagi . aku pake habis ini setengah agak kering setelah keramas dan aku keringin natural pake kipas karena lebih halus aja . aku pakein juga di ujung2 rambut apalagi aku berwarna rambut nyaaa jadi gak kaku lagi rambut nya . wangi nya super soft banget . WAJIB BELI buat kalian yang rambut nya kaku ,kusut dan rusak !!!

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Neutral

23 Nov 2018

So far so good. Wanginya enak banget. Teksturnya super oily so use one pump only udah cukup untuk seluruh rambut. Cukup ngebantu untuk menata rambur yg frizzy dan ada split endsnya sebelum di styling.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Combination, Light, Neutral

29 Jun 2016

bagus n cocok untuk rambut yg ujungnya kering, sgt membantu melembabkan ujung rambut. saya hanya pakai kalo rambut lagi kering aja, jadi bukan dipakai rutin.agak sulit didpt, aku belinya PO di onlineshop.. harganya juga lumayan mahal jadi masi pikir2 lagi utk repurchase.worth to try tapi masi belum tau akan repurchase atau tidak, mgkn kalo ga nemu yg lebih bagus daripada ini terpaksa repurchase hehe

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

07 Jan 2016

Aku nyobain punya temen dan suka banget^^.
Sempet dikasi share ama dia dan bener2 jatuh cinta, this hair oil definitely on my wishlist for next month.

I have a very dry hair and this hair oil really helps. But i think this product will be to much for normal hair, because one of my friend who tried this didn't really like it. She has a normal hair, she said its to rich for her hair.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Dry, Medium, Warm

29 Oct 2015

saya pakai ini karena waktu itu ada promo bundle kalo beli ini sekalian sama face oil nya.
hair serum ini bikin rambut jadi rapi dan ga acak2an. Selain itu rambut bercabang saya, sudah agak mendingan daripada biasanya.
kalo disuruh beli lagi, kayanya engga karena terlalu mahal apalagi kurs dollar sedang menggila hehehe

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :


lovely mew

35 - 39

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

26 Sep 2015

Hair oil ini bener2 sangat manjur untuk melembabkan rambut..klo rambut kering bolelah dipakai tapi klonlagi normal sebaiknya jangan sih karena bikin jadi lepek banget.pernah sekali dipake ke kantor malah parah jadinlepek kucel gitu padahal baru abis keramas...tapi klo dipakai malam hari sih oke2 aja..besoknya bagus rambutnya

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :
