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22 Jan 2025
plentybeauty doesn't recommend this product!
Overated and over pricy and cepat abis. Sorry to say ini overclaim di aku. Rambutku masih rontok parah and anak rambut pun ga numbuh. Masih banyak tonic atau serum ranbut yg jauh lebih affordable dan ngefek daripada ini. Teksturnya bening and kental jadi boros. Not recommended for me
Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months
Purchase Point : Shopee
19 Sep 2024
rahmawat97 recommends this product!
Jujur ini mahallll banget, dan bakal kujadiin kekuarangan. Kenapa ku bilang mahal karena isi serum 90 ml di rambut aku cm bertahan 2 minggu dan harus repurchase lagi. Total sebulanan aku pakai 2 botol. Dan jujur ngeluarin uang sejutaan perbulan buat rambut agak sangat disayangkan. Tapiiiiii jujur juga ini baaaaguuuus bangeeet buat ngurangin rontok di rambut aku after bleaching. Tadinya rambut ku rontok parah pakai ini sebulanan rontok berkurang. Yg aku suka juga wanginya mewah bikin kulit kepala jg ikut wangi. Terus aplikatornya ada garisnya jd jelas takaran yg dipakai bisa berapa banyak. Aku pakai ini pas rambut rontok, begitu sembuh kayaknya bakal coba serum/tonic rambut lain
Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months
Purchase Point : Shopee
05 Aug 2024
JuliaHong recommends this product!
I love this hair serum so much, I have thick hair & been dealing with hair fall for so long, definitely can see the difference within 2-3 weeks that this hair product does reduced my hair loss. I recommend this Kerastase serum alongside the shampoo & conditioner for maximum results.
Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months
Purchase Point : Tokopedia
24 Jul 2024
anastasianovita88 recommends this product!
I purchased this from Tokped for 585k at 7.7 Twin Sale + cashback 50k gopay coins. It is the most expensive item that I have ever purchased as my hair care product, yet it is the most worth-it/worth every penny product. As people say, "Whenever there's a price, there's a quality." This is the 2nd Kérastase Product that I've ever tried and it always works on me. Recently, I feel unconfident because I can see my hairline visibly and I have much hairfall every time I shampoo my hair. Then I decided to purchase this product. I've been using it for 2 weeks (7 times) and I am really impressed by this product. I have no hairfall at all since its 2nd use or it's just only 1 or 2 strands of hair that falls after only I shampoo my hair. I use it as just its packaging says (Apply four doses of the anti-breakage hair serum to dry or towel-dried hair section by section (one dose is equivalent to one pipette). Massage gently into the scalp and leave in, no need to rinse.) It has a very expensive fragrant and I like the luxury packaging. It is in a form of glass bottle so I always try to be careful whenever I hold it and try not to break it. It has a transparent shade and it has an easy application since it has pipette inside. I'll definitely repurchase this, especially on discounted price and I'll recommend it to everyone!
Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month
Purchase Point : Tokopedia
03 Jul 2024
jkusuma doesn't recommend this product!
Wangi nya enak banget & bikin kepala jadi seger gitu, buttt ga ngaruh di aku. Rambut rontok aku msh banyak banget, padahal aku udh habisin 1 botol gede. Untuk harganya yg lumayan mahal menurutku ini ga worth it sii, better hair tonic nya yg botol putih, itu ngaruh bgt di aku ❤️
Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year
Purchase Point : Shopee
29 Jun 2024
Luf recommends this product!
Suka banget sama wangi nya dan lumayan langsung kasih efek kurangin rontok. Kalau berdasarkan anjuran nya setiap hari selama 6 minggu. Kayaknya 1 botol ukuran 90ml ga akan cukup. Pemakaian 4 hari aja udah berkurang segini.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point : Lazada
19 Jun 2024
theresadira recommends this product!
Bagus tapi mahal BANGET ( buat gue kaum mendang mending ) 🥲 Tapi karena kebutuhan ….
Berat banget jadi perempuan harus merawat mahkota kepala, jadi harus mengeluarkan kocek ekstra. Harga sebotol sama dengan harga catering yellow fit seminggu 😂🙂↕️ . Mana gue kalau pakai ga pernah irit, sebisa mungkin kulit kepala gue ditetesin sama serum ini, sebulan butuh 2 botol 90ml. Ini kali pertama gue repurchase produk serum haircare karena anak rambut gue bener2 tumbuh coooy dan bener2 ngurangin kerontokan saat keramas dan sisiran.
Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month
Purchase Point : Shopee
02 May 2024
tania55 recommends this product!
wah , varian serum ini baru kan ya di keratase , dl pakai blm ada .. wkwkwk
Enak ya dipakai .. ga tau ada hasil apa gak ya , ini baru pemakaian 3 bulan ya .. tp dr segi rontok ini mungkin ngefek ya .. biasa nya setelah selesai keramas pakai ini , baru pakai tonic ya ..
Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months
Purchase Point : Brand Website
27 Mar 2024
tamarrashah recommends this product!
coba Hairfall serum 3rha bahkan sampai 2 box and still didn’t work out ;’) pas pertama kali beli ini, ternyata cocok bgtttt dan lgsg suka. Sekarang sdh repurchase yang ke 3x nya. Walau a bit of pricey, but is worth of money. #highlyrecomended
Usage Period : More than 1 year
Purchase Point : Official Brand Store
17 Mar 2024
lucykawaiiq doesn't recommend this product!
bahas dari segi harga ini mayan mahal ya, wanginya enak aku suka berasa abis treatment kerastase ritual di salon 🤭🤭 teksturnya cair dan gampang meresap ke kulit kepala, pas habis di pakai juga ga ninggalin efek lengket. untuk efek aku ga begitu berasa ya, masih rontok aja. tapi dia numbuhin baby hair.
Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months
Purchase Point : Shopee