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07 Sep 2021
Lucy20 recommends this product!
Karena aku punya masalah komedo jadi produk pengangkat komedo wajib banget dipake T.T dan ketemu produk ini, awalnya iseng mau nyoba ternyata bagus dongg dan enak dipake.. Dia tuh engga ninggalin kesan yg kyk pori2 kebuka atau jadi terlihat banget, engga bikin gatel dan kulit iritasi atau merah2, biasanya aku kl abis pake produk pengangkat komedo tuh jadi merah2 dan gatel, tapi ini engga. Bener2 gentlee, must try!
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point : Shopee
07 Sep 2021
fentyeffendy recommends this product!
new product of lanature...
actually this product is so good to get rid my blackhead deeply and instantly. my nose also feels so smooth. next time will try in the other area like cheek and chin maybe also can works well.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point : Shopee