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16 Oct 2019
elysamarth recommends this product!
Awal pake essence ini dpt sampel dikasih BA nya banyak banget. Teksturnya kaya oil dicampur air gitu. Pemakaiannya harus dikocok dulu biar si oil nya nyatu sama cairan essence yg beningnya. Aku biasa pake dituangin ke tangan, terus ditap tap ke wajah. Dalam hitungan detik aja, kulit wajah berasa haluuuus dan kenyal. Terus pori2 pun jd lebih mengecil. Hampir ga keliatan sih. Aku pake ini kalo kulit muka bener2 keliatan lelah banget di malam hari. Dan pas bangun paginya kulit muka cerah dan glowing.
Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months
Purchase Point : Official Brand Store
08 Jun 2019
Essence dari guerlain orchide imperiale yg menurut BA nya dipakai malam hari setelah pakai lotion n abis itu ga usah pake apa2 lg.
Dipake selama 1 botol lalu stop.
Kulit serasa ternutrisi dgn baik, licin.
Tekstur kulit jadi kenyal dan membaik dari hari ke hari dan sangat kliatan banget di pagi hari.
Love it ❤️
Sementara ini aku udah pake 2-3 botol jadi mau stop dl, karena harga nya yg gak murah 🤭.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
05 May 2019
Been using this essence for years, it calm down redness and dry without over moisten skin. My skin but weird, combination skin. If i use night cream for dry skin, turned to be oilier, but if I use night cream for oily skin, it turned to be too dry. Anyway, found this essence right and match. I know, it is pricey. It pay for what I got. Supple skin, glowing, reduce pores appearance also, got benefit of anti aging. Essence has subtle parfume scent, which still acceptably okay. I would say, worth for money
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
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