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01 Mar 2021
dilaputri recommends this product!
Menurut ku, tatcha ini lebih bagus dibandingkan lawannya dia *DE*. Tapi buat harga masih mendingan tatcha hehe, aku Suka soalnya walaupun dia vitamin c ga gampang oksidasi. Terus abis dipake bikin muka segeeer bgt keliatan. Diaku sempet bikin reaksi brutusan tp small area gt, tp terus ilang aneh ahha. Mungkin karena aku baru pertama pake vit.c waktu make ini :) tp lama2 sukaa! Terus aku bosen pake dia karena sejujurnya ga ngasih efek apa2 sampe tinggal dikit. akhirnya berganti ke yglain. Karena sayang belum bener2 abis, aku pakein ke lipatan tubuh yg menghitam, bisa dong dia cerahin wkwk 😂😂. Repurchased? Nopeee buat harga yg lumayan menguras dia kurang membuat waw 😁
Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months
Purchase Point : Shopee
18 Jun 2020
zit_noniek recommends this product!
Satu-satunya by far yang warna serum vit Cnya tidak berubah menjadi lebih keruh atau gelap. Sampai tetes terakhir tetap jernih. Brightening my complexion and adding extra protection as antioxidant on morning routine. Love it!
Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year
Purchase Point : Sephora Online
24 Jul 2019
My auntie gifted it to me six months ago because I had visited her in NYC as a surprise for her birthday. I gave her a birthday present as well, provided that I did not just come there empty-handed. After three months of regularly using Tatcha Violet-C Brightening Serum every night before sleeping, my skin got brighter and it did feel like it had been more nourished from the inside. I personally had been complimented by my colleagues that my skin looked healthier. At that week, I decided to go outside without wearing full coverage makeup for three days. Therefore, they had probably noticed something different and in my humble opinion, better about my skin. My skin feels and looks more hydrated, softer, smoother, and more moisturized as well. Tatcha Violet-C Brightening Serum suits my sensitive skin very well. When it emptied in May, I did not repurchase this serum right away. It was because I had also been using other skin care products which I was afraid it would have been a waste to have new repurchased products while several others had not emptied yet. I repurchased Tatcha Violet-C Brightening Serum last week online when my father was in NYC. He brought it home on Monday. I started using it Monday night. Having used it for three nights, I do feel this serum has brightened my skin with all of the ingredients that it has. I will repurchase it if necessary ❤️
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
06 May 2019
Baru 2 kali pake tp dah ga sabar mo ngereview.
Jadi gw iseng2 beli ukuran sample, Tatcha brand jepang yg harganya lumayan banget bangettttt mahalnya.
Awalnya gw kira teksturnya bening kentel macem acid2 ato niacin. Ternyata teksturnya bening cair. iya cair bener2 kayak air 😑 nah yg ukuran sample ini bentuknya juga pump. Tiap kali gw ngepump agak teken dikit biar keluar. isinya tuh langsung muncrat banyak. Bisa dibayangin donk ya tekstur udah kayak air trus isinya cuma 5ml dgn harga 250rbu. *berasa tambah mahal.
Untuk hasilnya mungkin karna ini vit c + AHA besoknya kulit gw keliatan dehidrasi banget, jd ga fresh gtu. pdhl malemnya ttp pake cream malem yg biasanya gw pake.
Ttp gw lanjutin pemaikaiannya karna sayang, mungkin hasilnya bisa jd bagus dikulit.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :