Philosophy When Hope Is Not Enough - Beauty Review


When Hope Is Not Enough

Rp. 630.000



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35 - 39

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

19 Aug 2018

Memang efek skincare beda2 yaa di setiap orang. Di gw, produk ini ngaruh banget untuk ngilangin bintik merah (bruntusan?), bekas jerawat, iritasi, dan teman2nya.. semacam ada healing properties gitu! I have repurchased this twice from Sephora Indonesia few years ago, but sadly they are no longer there now 😞 Ada yang tau ga olshop mana yang jual ini?


aji banyu

30 - 34

Combination, Medium, Neutral

07 Nov 2017

i have a high expectations when i purchased this serum, but then when i tried this for less more 3 months nothing happen to my face . well i have dry to super dry skin and after i used this and checked my skin it changes to be dry to normal. so this serum only works for hydrated my skin which is maybe i can get the results from another cheaper serum. the only thing i like about is the texture . it's quick to absorb when i apply on my skin. i used this only for my night routine. repurchased? not !



35 - 39

Combination, Medium, Warm

10 May 2016

I actually finished this whole serum.......and nothing happen. Probably hydration. But I can get hydration from other cheaper serum. It didn't do wonders to my skin and it is rather expensive, so I don't think I will repurchase this.