Novexpert Express Blemish Care Trio Zinc 7 ml - Beauty Review


Express Blemish Care Trio Zinc 7 ml

Rp. 250.000



5 users

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30 - 34

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

18 Jun 2021

ViciPutri recommends this product!

Best product untuk ngempesin jerawat mendem. Duh kalo ada jerawat gede yang ga ada bagian "mata" nya itu kan lama banget sama susah ya ngilanginnya. Pake ini cukup cepet, aku belum nemu yang sebagus ini, jadi tiap ada jerawat gede ya pake ini. Butuh waktu emang kempesnya, tapi beneran belum nemu yang lebih baik. Harga mahal sih utk 7ml aja, apalagi kalo jerawatannya sering, jadi cepet habis deh.. hihi..

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



35 - 39

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

19 Mar 2021

kinchay recommends this product!

spot treatment ini beneran bisa mempercepat kempesnya jerawat mendem.. bentuknya cair kayak air putih, kemasan roll on.. kalo dioles ke jerawat mendem yg lagi aktif berasa cekit2, tapi ga lama cekit2nya udah hilang.. dipakai 3x sehari sampe beneran kempes pes tu jerawat,, bakalan repurchase sih, secara kulitku acne prone gampang banget dikit2 berjerawat mendem

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



40 - 44

Normal, Light, Neutral

13 Feb 2021

Bubbleshine recommends this product!

i would give this 2.5☆not 3 coz its just "average" not the fast healing pimple gel.key ingredients : lactid acid, gluconolactone and extract willow bark(bha) in the form of runny liquid gel in a cute tube with roller tip.its the best applicator though.very hygienic but the tube is not see through one and its only 7ml 😋 for 250k..damn..its expensive indeed!!first application,berasa cekit2 sebentar (it wasnt horrid one depends on how sensitized ur skin with actives) my pimples bukan tipe yg mendem and cystic yg nyebar gitu.its only one or two spots but annoying!!butuh 2 hari untuk dry out and i think my dark spot serum works better on that compared to this gel.i think i need a stronger bha like salicylic acid than a natural one like willow bark 😁😁😁 so i'm unimpressed

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Dark, Warm

25 Jan 2021

zirjiazzakhraf recommends this product!

keracunan @skinchemically suka bgt parah nyut² nyes emang kalo kena jeriwi tp mantep semalem auto kempes dan yg paling penting ga ada bekas item!! setidaknya ada redness bisa diakalin dg serum lainnya, suka bgt parah cinta emg sih 7ml liquid tp worth it kok ga perlu dipencet, oles aja udah tetep kena karena roll on gitu aplikator nya, higenis! worth the price, sadly belom terkenal bgt ini hiks jd susah dicari :')

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Brand website



18 and Under

Dry, Medium, Neutral

04 Oct 2020

ijahannisa recommends this product!

Pas dipakai ada sedikit rasa nyut nyutan, cuma sebentar jadi gak masalah itu mah. Trus aku ngerasa jerawat lebih cepat kering pakai ini. Tekstur nya cair, bagian ujung nya kaya roller gitu. Bentuknya jga kecil gk makan tempat. Cobain aja ok

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Beauty Studio