Derma Angel Acne Beauty Patch Hologram - Beauty Review

Derma Angel

Acne Beauty Patch Hologram

Moon & Cloud

Rp. 43.000



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25 - 29

Combination, Light, Cool

14 Feb 2025

anastasianovita88 recommends this product!

It's another hologram variant from Derma Angel with different shapes. I bought this amounted to 40k at Sociolla. This is actually my best acne patch I've ever tried. It's my number 1 acne patch for acne patch rank. It has a hologram shade, so it's super cute. It has moon and cloud shapes. It can be used daily at day and night. It also absorbs the acne and its fluid so well. It covers and protect acne so well from any dirt and pollution while it also heals acne at the same time. Not only its appearance is great, but also it works/functions really great. I will always repurchase this hologram variant. The moon and cloud shapes are my 2nd favorite hologram after the heart and flower hologram variant because of its cuteness. I have no complaints and there's no allergic reaction so far. Just press 15-20 secs so that this product will be attached to acnes. I'll recommend it to anyone who asks me about acne patch recommendation 😊

Acne Beauty Patch Hologram - Moon & Cloud imgfdn-d29c1c82-6928-4279-a37d-85b96bf4bd71
Acne Beauty Patch Hologram - Moon & Cloud imgfdn-71446302-140b-4d4d-90cd-c63ca9c753b2
Acne Beauty Patch Hologram - Moon & Cloud imgfdn-b00860fa-5534-4c21-ae71-ed4602504215

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Sociolla