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07 Jul 2022
claudiawijayaaa recommends this product!
No doubt this is the most elegant and feminine hair perfume i ever have.
It smells like a bouquet of roses and jasmine combined in a rainy day🥺❤ If you're preference of perfume more like powdery and floraly finish, you're gonna love this one.
Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month
Purchase Point : Official Brand Store
30 Jun 2021
terrydevega recommends this product!
Wanginya classic sekali, in my personal opinion kaya wangi nenek2 ☺️ kalau lagi malas keramas, hair mist ini come to the rescue. Lumayan worth it karena tahan lama meskipun sering dipakai. Dari sisi packaging juga lumayan bagus. Handy but sturdy.
Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year
Purchase Point : Official Brand Store
07 Nov 2020
NatMUA recommends this product!
I just love this hairmist so much. Aku awalnya blind buy minta tolong my sist beli di Chanel store Jkt karna wkt itu Chanel blum buka di Sby, cm modal baca2 review dan kepingin aja. My sist bilang wkt dia cium itu cepet hilang dan lbh enakkan yg Chance. Tp aku kekeuh mau beli yg ini. I'm glad I did! Wanginya soft powdery tp ada fresh dikit, ky bedak bayi tp elegant gt does it make sense?Utk ketahanan oke lah di aku. One of my favourite hairmist I really enjoy the scent. Packagingnya jg sleek dan cantik ala Chanel🥰 -Natasya Putri Makeup
Usage Period : More than 1 year
Purchase Point : Official Brand Store
24 May 2019
It was my third purchase of this hair mist and my first one online, I love this hair mist very much. It excites me to seize the day every time I spray it all over my hair in the morning. The fragrant is elegant and mysterious which adds fabulous feeling and effervescent energy in every moment to me personally and intrigues others who happen to recognize its fragrance nearby myself, accidentally. The fragrant stays on my hair all day long and does elevate more elegantly as the sun sets and the stars appear in the sky as well. This hair mist does not damage nor irritate my scalp and any other parts of my hair particularly and any parts of my head generally. I am repurchasing it in about three months from now. I’m in love with Hair Mist No.5 💘
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
21 Feb 2019
Hair mist kedua aku dan aku tau’nya ini yang best seller tapi jarang2 orang indo yg beli ini. Powdery bgt wangi aku suka kayak wangi bedak gitu tp classy, terus cowok aku selalu blg “km wangi’nya beda yaa, rambut km wangi banget” selalu blg gtu kalau aku pake ini daripada pake chanel yg coco mademoiselle. Lumayan bertahan wangi’nya masih nempel bgt di rambut sampe besok’annya. Worth it apalagi isinya 40ml loo banyak
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
02 Sep 2018
My current favorite hair mist!!! Dulu beli ini iseng aja karena lagi dapat gift voucher dan pengen beli hair mist yang selain bisa buat rambut wangi tapi juga bisa buat tekstur rambut soft n silky, dan ini produk yang sangat sangat oke untuk itu!
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :