L'Oreal Paris Preferance Hair Color - Beauty Review

L'Oreal Paris

Preferance Hair Color

3.0 Brasilia Dark Brown

Rp. 0



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19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

27 Jun 2020

soyImani doesn't recommend this product!

*preferEnce. Review as a mixed dye with L’Oreal Excellence 5.0 Light Brown* The best coverage BLACK dye (yes it is a black dye despite its name. Works perfectly well on bleached hair) but smells pungent, dries out and stiffens the ends of your hair so badly and comes with a sh*t conditioner. -Tahan lama warnanya. PROS: -Coverage bagus bgt full dan rata di rambut bleached padahal udah dicampur sama jenis dye lain. -Konsepnya bagus pake campuran oil tambahan, sama ada post treatment berupa conditioner gede dipake selama 6 minggu setelah dye. -Perfect if you want to dye your hair black (aku ga nyaranin dye yg emg diadvertise as “black” krn ga natural bgt kaya disemir hasilnya) pake setengah botol aja dan dicampur dengan a bottle of a lighter brown dye. -The additional oil that comes with it bener2 bikin shiny hasilnya. CONS: -IT REEKS OF AMMONIA super kenceng bgt gangerti pdhl claimnya blg wangi floral kalo ini aroma floral then I’m the bloody pope. -Again it’s not really dark brown, it’s natural black jadi not as advertised. -Parah bgt sumpah keringnya, ujung rambut jd kaya kaku ga bouncy gt udh pake masker rambut, hair oil dan night serumnya Kerastase gangaruh jg. -THE CONDI DOESN’T HELP bisa dipake selama the next 6 washes tp it doesn’t really do anything. -Setelah bilas dan keramas rambut ttp bau ammonia. Aku saranin utk yg desperate cari black dye tp natural, tp bagi yg ga butuh2 amat jangan deh keringgg

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Sainsbury’s