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22 Jul 2018
Aku beli ini untuk dibawa Kemana mana karena praktis banget dan cocok buat traveling. Dia juga ga buat kering dan dia malah melembabkan banget. Teksturnya juga halus banget banget di kulitku juga cocok.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
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05 Jul 2018
awalnya beli ini karena lagi iseng iseng ke toko trus liat ini dan akhirnya tertarik buat nyoba. sangat cocok buat travelling karena packaging nya yang praktis. tidak ada wanginya dan bener bener ampuh buat mengangkat kotoran diwajah. repurchase? YES! Butuh pake banget buat kalo lagi travelling
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
01 Jul 2018
suka banget sih sama ini, karena bener2 ngebersihin banget dan sesuai claim nya kalo ini emang gentle banget. dan ini fragrance free. kalau abis makai ini, ga bikin wajah jadi kering. Ga nimbulin efek aneh2 juga kaya beruntusal atau bentol. packaging nya juga cocok bgt buat travelling. aku langsung beli banyak karena kayaknya di indo gaada? atau mungkin ada tapi aku ga pernah liat kali ya. harga nya menurutku lumayan pricey dengan isi 25 lembar.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
25 Mar 2018
Ini cocok bgt buat travelling, krn cleanser+kapas jadi 1 fungsinya. Ngebersihin make up cukup 1 tissue doang, kalau product lain butuh beberapa tissue. Walaupun agak pricey, kalau dibandingkan product lain aku lebih pilih ini. Repurchase YES krn buat persediaan pas travelling.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
18 Feb 2017
This product is actually a lot like wet tissue but it's fragrance free and it's not "soapy" like other cleansing tissue(which is good for someone with sensitive skin) but i really not recommend people to use this to wipe their faces if they have sensitive skin, it's not that soft and if you use it to wipe your sensitive skinned face, it has potential to irritate the skin. Though, i would definitely recommend this for ones who want to use it to wipe their bodies. I would definitely repurchase this but not for my face. This one is very handy though to use it to wipe body post-working out.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
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