Mise En Scene Damage Care Shampoo - Beauty Review

Mise En Scene

Damage Care Shampoo

Rp. 68.000



5 users

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80% users

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35 - 39

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

18 May 2024

sherly88 recommends this product!

Blind buy karena urgent butuh shampoo dan lagi diskon juga. Warnanya cakep gold shimmer gitu, tapi shampoo ini kurang ada busanya, walau keramas 2x rasanya tetep kurang greget. Efek di rambut bikin halus jatuh gampang diatur. Untuk damage aku sih ga ngarep apa2 kalo dari shampoo, cukkup bikin rambut bersih dan halus aja.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Guardian



19 - 24

,19 - 24

08 Apr 2024

GwenPradipta_tm doesn't recommend this product!

its no bcs its soften my hair but not Overcoming frizzy and crinkly hair its not work for damaged hair bcs styling tools too i recommend this to people who udah dalam masa rambut aman dipakein product asal tp klo masi rusak frizzy no sih bcs ga ngatasin

Mise En Scene Damage Care Shampoo imgfdn-0e629a12-53dd-4bc1-b9da-fcffcb29b5a4-2572048 1

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

15 Feb 2024

poisonigy recommends this product!

i’m giving 4 stars because it’s cheap and worth it. well, my hair is very damage, no shampoo can helps me anymore. even this product can’t helps my tangled frizzy dry hair. but maybe it just because my hair. but my husband have some dandruff and it’s gone after using this shampoo. will try again after my hair become better

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Brand website



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Neutral

14 Aug 2023

Dahlialia recommends this product!

Hair care dari korea ini bagusnya no debat sih, kekurangannya cuma di harganya aja buat kaum mendang mending kaya aku, ini lumayan mahal. Sekitar 80rban buat 200ml. Tapi untuk kefektifan nya buagus, kok orang-orang belum tau ya, gak kedengeran ngehype gitu. Padahal BA nya black pink loh inihhh

Mise En Scene Damage Care Shampoo imgfdn-9bab07db-c258-4fc0-b21d-0df8a807e0c1-2456107 1

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



18 and Under

Combination, Light, Neutral

04 Jul 2023

jovancaclarisa recommends this product!

shampoo nya wangi dan emang rata" produk mise en scene wangi", first impression aku wangi + cairan shampoo nya ada glitter" gitu pas dipakai dia ada busa, pas nge shampoo pas bilas kerasa keset rambutnya tp abis agak kering dia halus banget dan ngurangin rontok aku biasanya di kasur suka ada rambut yg nyasar 😅 eh sekarang cuma 2-3 helai yg keliatan cukup kaget si bisa berkurang rontoknya

Mise En Scene Damage Care Shampoo imgfdn-05bc6646-8cb8-40e8-a372-32d89dbb389d-2430399 1

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : PR Package