ERHA Hairoic Dreamy Hour Perfume Intense Shampoo - Beauty Review


Hairoic Dreamy Hour Perfume Intense Shampoo

Rp. 35.000



14 users

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19 - 24

Oily, Light, Cool

19 Dec 2024

Syifaamaliah recommends this product!

Shampoo by erha wangi mewah tahan lama! Wangi nya awet seharian, rambut halus, lembut. Tekstur shampoo cair dan gampang di gunakan. Botol nya yang langsing dengan warna colorfull yang gemes, favorit aku sih yang dreamy hour karena ini wangi nya cewe banget💖

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Hairoic Dreamy Hour Perfume Intense Shampoo imgfdn-96699eb8-9ebc-4855-82e8-a507f87752d4

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Cool

04 Dec 2024

sanybolang recommends this product!

shampoo teksture bening,
botol plastik langsing, flip flop tutup packging ga gampang tumpah, tapi di aku malah bikin rontok rambutnya:(

kaya ngegumpal tapi pas disiram air malah bikin rontok rambutnya berjatuhan di lantai

karena dia busa ga banyak, tapi hasilnya rambut pas disisir malah gampang, wangi aroma bedak mawar gitu, kaya di spa salon bikin relax

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Cool

30 Nov 2024

Navesgia recommends this product!

Suka banget sama shampoonya aroma nya itu loh duhhh rasanya mau keramas tiap hari, ngga bikin kering dirambut, aku juga beli bareng hairmist nya, udah no debat rambut wangi sepanjang hari sih klo digabungin, harganya juga affordable banget

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Cool

14 Nov 2024

anastasianovita88 recommends this product!

I got the sample size for free since I was around Erhair and Naturally Speaking by Erha booth at JxB24 part 1. It comes with a small brochure which gives information about the notes of the shampoo. I can smell some fruity and floral notes from this shampoo, like raspberry and peony. It has a light red to pink shade and it can be dilluted very easily. It produce medium amount of bubble and can be rinsed off after a few minutes. It leaves my hair bouncier, fresher, and has more fragrance. Unfortunately, it builds up some dandruff on my scalp around my right forehead area, so it's minus 1 star. I hope if there is a reformulation in the future, it will solve problem for building up any dandruff.

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Hairoic Dreamy Hour Perfume Intense Shampoo imgfdn-ab98a00b-c29b-4522-9827-1475d487900b
Hairoic Dreamy Hour Perfume Intense Shampoo imgfdn-58d569fb-22d3-4b21-9d0c-2d4d58c043d7
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Hairoic Dreamy Hour Perfume Intense Shampoo imgfdn-690f817a-a8af-4f61-8813-087e0049062a

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : XBeauty by Female Daily



25 - 29

Dry, Medium, Neutral

06 Nov 2024

aurelia318 recommends this product!

Aku pake ini awal2nya coba2 skrg malah ketagihan udah beli sampe 6 botol kl skrg. Karna sebsgus itu habis keramas tuh rambut jadi lembut, gak bikin lepek walaupun udah gak keramas lebih dari 2 hari (karna aku tim keramas 3 hari sekali) 😂. Worth it sih buat beli lagi

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

31 Oct 2024

salmambrkh recommends this product!

Untuk ngehabisin satu botol butuh 3 bulan kalo aku
Teksturnya gel bening warna pink dan wangii lebih ke arah yang manis buah gitu, ketahanan wanginya paling 30 menit sehabis dibilas
Di aku doi gak ngasih efek yang wow kecuali wanginya, jadi pas sampoan berasa wangi banget plus gak bikin lepek, selebihnya biasa aja.
Untuk rontok setelah habis satu botol di aku gak berkurang, tapi lumayan numbuhin baby hair 1 2 helai
Anehnya di aku malah bikin gatel tapi gak bikin ketombean
Good sidenya doi gak bikin cepet lepek sih jadi kalau jarak keramas 3 hari masih fine fine aja asal gak keringetan berlebih
Untuk harga, affordable, jadi performanya masih bisa dibandingin sama produk2 yang ada di mini/supermarket

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : XBeauty by Female Daily



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Neutral

25 Oct 2024

Kiifff recommends this product!

Aku pake ini shampo udh botol kedua! Best banget buat rambut yg gampang lepek kek akuu! Karena dia bikin rambut keliatan bervolume! Apalagi kalau hijaban seharian auto wangiii tetep rambuttt. Dan bisa nahan rambut 1-2 hari nggak keramas tetep bervolume

Hairoic Dreamy Hour Perfume Intense Shampoo imgfdn-ca452097-7602-4e28-ace6-b96afd67bee2

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Oily, Medium, Neutral

22 Oct 2024

ridhaputri1710 recommends this product!

wanginya enakkk habis mandi wangi nya masih semberbak dan buat rambut lembut. kalian harus pake shampoo ini terus pake hair parfume nya. bakalan jadi combo wumbo rambut kalian wangi seharian apalagi yang kemana mana pake helm pake motor wajib punya

Hairoic Dreamy Hour Perfume Intense Shampoo imgfdn-9e1934fc-0a6e-4dd6-b8d5-5ba51b8c590b

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Tokopedia



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

06 Sep 2024

Tiara26 recommends this product!

Plisss ini wangi bangett😭💗 mana busanya minim dan bisa bantu halusin rambut (tp harus pake dalam waktu lama yaww). MANA CUMA 30 RIBUAN??!! Worth it bangett ini mahh🥹 sesuai kesukaan juga wangi dan packagingnya warna pink wkwk luvv lah🩷

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Brand Website



19 - 24

Dry, Light, Neutral

01 Sep 2024

gartilla recommends this product!

Kayaknya kurang banget kalo udah punya mist nya tp ga pake shampoonya, bikin wangi nya double tahan lamaagitu, nah minusnya memang agak kering dehh, mungkin kalo pake conditionernya lembut yaaa. tapi buat harga segini dan besar aku suka sih!💖

Hairoic Dreamy Hour Perfume Intense Shampoo imgfdn-211a1bf5-7cda-4f7b-8fba-a40142fde183

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee
