OGX Weightless Hydration Coconut Water - Beauty Review


Weightless Hydration Coconut Water

Rp. 0



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30 - 34

Oily, Medium Dark, Warm

02 Jun 2023

Fariskaa doesn't recommend this product!

Rambut dan kulitku type yg oily but somehow shampoo ini bs bikin rambutku keringg. Di semua varian OGX, my favourite is the one with creamy texture yg tampilannya milky instead of bening. Yg bening seperti saya kurang cocok krn bikin kering. Walaupun baunya bener bener enak sih, bukan bau santan pekat, tp bau air kelapa yg seger.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Tokopedia



25 - 29

Normal, Medium Dark, Neutral

01 Oct 2020

shelypuspita recommends this product!

Waktu sebelum covid gw liburan ke australia trs ke drugstore kan beli OGX cobditioner ini banyak karena rambut gw rusak,bermasalah , kering ,kusam ,kusut . Beli 5 botol gw baru pakai 2 botol rambut gw udh bagus lembut shinny lagi . Gw jual OGX conditioner 2 variant (1.OGX conditiner sunflower shimmering blonde) (2. OGX Conditioner Sake Essence) Bisa beli 1 170k masih NEW ya ! Bs contact ke Instagram gue ( Sh.angelia754 ) or WA 0857-1623-4184 .

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Neutral

22 May 2019

🌊: Too bad in Indonesia, this stock is limited and can only be found in a number of stores such as the grand lucky or regular supermarkets to import exports. but this shampoo is really fragrant and the fragrance can last until the next day, it feels like it's been finished in creambath and provides a fresh sensation from the smell of the coconut, super love with this shampoo!🌴🥥🚿



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

08 Jan 2019

Belakangan ini lg suka bgt sama wangi2 kelapa dan gk sengaja ngeliat shampoo ini. Akhirnya memutuskan utk beli dan wanginya enak bgt seger gitu krn aku udh bosen sama wangi shampoo yg selalu bunga2. Kebetulan rambut aku gk ada masalah sih jd shampoo ini sama aja kyk shampoo yg lain bikin rambut jd halus bgt mudah di sisir



30 - 34

Dry, Light, Cool

30 Aug 2018

aq udh ngabisin 1 botol shampoo ini ... tp barengan sih ... hehehe . karena waktu itu aq bw ini pas umroh jdi pada pake deh keluarga aq ... 😁😁😁
shampoonya ringan dan warnanya bening (sukakkk!!) , wanginya waduuuhh kelapaaa bgt ... jdi brasa segeeer bgt klo lgi keramas pke ini ... kulit kepala aq jg gk gatel n ketombean pke ini . tp klo mau jdi gampang disisir ya tetep harus pke conditioner .

sayang harganya lumayan mahal ... n nyarinya jg susah sih ... trus botolnya gendut, transparan, tbuat dri plastik yg tebal tp tetap berat karena isinya kan bnyak . nah aq suka ni botol shampoo yg bening transparan gini kyak shampoo sunsilk zaman dulu yg iklan di air terjun , tp klo sunsilk itu botolnya kurus. hehehe .