Marcks Venus Two Way Cake - Beauty Review

Marcks Venus

Two Way Cake

04 Tropical Beige

Rp. 0



3 users

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19 - 24

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

25 Feb 2021

chaaqyy recommends this product!

iniseriously like it ... the powder is really durable and it suits me really well, and also the color of the powder can tell the same as the skin color. Initially I used it because I tried it from a friend, and it turned out that I was suitable in the end I bought it and until now I still use it. worth itt!

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Hypermart



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Dark, Neutral

09 Dec 2019

dwimaulani recommends this product!

ini bagus sih menurutku. dia awet sumpah awet terus gak luntur kemana mana.. dia nempel dengan tepat ke wajah.. gak bikin celemongan rata banget.. syuka sihh ini pertama kali aku pakek dan puas.. gak perlu touch up lagi.. good...

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Warm

21 Jun 2019

Waktu itu mamah sangat ingin beli produk ini meskipun harganya jauh melampaui yang beliau biasanya ikhlaskan. Shade ini katanya yg paling gelap (bc I asked so) dan ternyata terlalu gelap satu shade di muka kami πŸ˜‚ Coverage nya ga nahan, harus hati2 kalo gamau di sangka mau ke kondangan πŸ˜‚ (pengalaman mamah saya pake bedak ini utk ke pengajian yg biasanya beliau cuma pake sheer powder) Ga bikin breakout, Alhamdulillah saya bisa numpang pake.

edit : kemarin nyoba pake agak lama dan aduhai satu jam kena matahari, minyaaaak dimana2. berharap dg touch up akan berkurang, eeeh makin parah πŸ˜‚ cukup untuk bronzer sajah πŸ˜‚