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11 Apr 2019
Bedak ini enak dipake sehari hari. Ringan tp coverage nya lumayan. Apply pake brush lbh bagus.
Minusnya kemasan ringkih, tutup cepat pecah. Spon nya tipis banget. Pasti gk kepake.
Dan skrg makin susah didapatkan karena bbrp konternya sudah tutup.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
07 Mar 2019
suka sama bedak ini, walopun pas dipake ga kayak pake bedak tapi bikin lembuuutt bgt.. kulitnya jadi matte.. tapi seger.. packagingnya emang kurang savety sih, trus sponsnya tipis banget kalo jatoh mungkin akan buyar.. so far aku suka sama bedak ini
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
09 Oct 2018
beli ini di salah satu drugstore pas lagi di tanah suci... wanginya enak lembut. sayangnya packaging nya ringkih, tipis jd agak ngeri kalo jatuh. aplikasi ke wajah sih pake powder brush jd hasilnya halus. enak buat nge set foundation.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
18 Sep 2017
Nope. I won't purchase this powder. Sukses bikin break out kulitku hiks. Belinya impulsif sih.. packagingnya ga suka juga, ga ada kaca. Plus entah kenapa di pake ke mukaku berasa panas gitu. Bedak ini ada coverage nya sih, btw.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
16 Jun 2016
Bought this product impulsively because there was a sale and I regretted it. To be honest, I don't mind the scent but I understand why most people don't like it because it is quite strong. The formula is not as powdery as I thought it would be, the shade is translucent enough on my tan skintone and it gives a bit of coverage to even out the skin. But still, it doesn't perform well on mattifying my oily face, which sucks. The staying power and oil control are very disappointing, it barely stays on my face for an hour and a half before the oil surfaces, and the packaging is flimsy too. The sponge is useless and the top lid is not secure enough. Not recommending this for oily skin.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :