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15 Aug 2016
PRoduk yang selalu jadi andalan saya dari Clinique. Kemasannya gak terlalu besar jadi pas dalam genggaman. Desainnya juga ok, hijau-marble-ly. Gak bikin break out di kulit saya dan pigmented. Malah mama saya ikut-ikutan pake produk ini. Saat ini lagi coba powder lain yang sama bagusnya but more expensive but I think I am going back to this product.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
21 Mar 2016
The most important is This Compact Powder did not cause breakout or clogs to my sensitive skin. The SPF is very low compare to other compact powder offered in the market, and to use in Indonesia. I need to use sunblock underneath the compact powder. The coverage is good if you want to appear with minimum make up like me. :)
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :