Tarte Cosmetics Smooth Operator Amazonian Clay Finishing Powder - Beauty Review

Tarte Cosmetics

Smooth Operator Amazonian Clay Finishing Powder

Rp. 33



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19 - 24

Oily, Medium, Warm

24 Aug 2019

Powder nya halus banget, bagus untuk nge set foundation dan bikin foundation kelihatan lebih mulus. Dia ga bikin abu-abu, dan cuma translucent biasa. Biasanya aku pakai dikit aja cuma untuk ngeset bb/foundie udah bagus.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Oily, Light, Cool

05 Jul 2018

finishing powder favorit! bisa ngeset make up tanpa ngerubah riasan2 dibawahnya, bisa nahan minyak dan bikin kulit haluuuuuus bgt kalo dipegang. butirannya halus banget mirip2 tepung, jadinya emg agak tricky pas dipake banyak yg terbang2an tp gak terlalu jadi masalah karena hasilnya oke banget!

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

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25 - 29

Oily, Light, Warm

23 Nov 2017

Love this powder on my oily skin. I like dewy base products tapi dgn kulit yg berminyak they can look too shiny or wet. This loose powder help control that shine tapi finishnya satin dan gak dead matte, jd kulit msh keliatan glowy dan rasanya pun gak kering. Warna bedaknya putih tp on my skin tone jatuhnya transparan dan gak nambah warna/coverage productku. Teksturnya halussss bgt, gak kerasa powdery sm sekali. Di kulit pun rasanya jd mulus. Ideal ketika pake base product spt bb cream/foundie, but not great looking ketika gak pake base product (because no coverage). A little goes a long way, wlpun tetep aja ini produk cukup mahal karena banyak option lain yg reviewnya menjanjikan spt yg dr innisfree. So I’ll try those first before decicing whether to purchase this.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

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