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11 Jun 2019
This is the most perfect touch-up powder I've tried so far. Karena emang butuhnya utk touch up, aku butuh packagingnya yg compact dan kalo bisa ada puff, which this does. Packagingnya wlpun kecil dan gak mewah, tp kokoh banget. Oke banget buat ditaruh tas. Selain itu krn kulitku berminyak, aku butuh bedak yg mattifying. What's superb about this adalah ini fungsinya mattifying tp finishnya glowing w/ a bit of shimmer! So it controls oil but doesn't kill the glow you have from skincare, base product, highlighter, you name it... It just freshen you up! If you're an oily-face girl like me who often wonders apa sih bedanya muka glowing vs. berminyak, try this and you'll see :)
The only downside adalah walaupun bedak ini sheer and has no coverage, shade lavender ini ada efek cool tonenya. It's a unique shade dan katanya ngetrend di Jepang utk brightening effect, tp kalo pake kebanyakan bisa keliatan keunguan hahaha. Kalo pakenya dikit2 utk touch up with light tapping sih transparan ya. Although in a deeper/warmer skin tone ini mungkin keliatan greyish/purplish no matter what. Untuk deeper/warmer skin tones, mungkin boleh coba shadesnya yg biasa.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
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