Sephora Kopari Coconut Oil Deodorant - Beauty Review


Kopari Coconut Oil Deodorant


Rp. 298.000



16 users

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88% users

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25 - 29

Oily, Medium, Warm

14 Mar 2023

poyanrahadian recommends this product!

Sukak banget sih sama deodorant ini
Nahan bau banget sih.
Udah repurchase berkali-kali
Mau ganti yang lain endingnya balik ke produk ini.
Emang harga nya yang gak affordable sih
So far produk ini the best buat nahan bau ketek.

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

21 Nov 2022

akutara recommends this product!

Iseng iseng cobain karena bermasalah ama keringat berlebih. Ternyata works banget nahan keringat sama bikin keti gak bau. Akhirnya sampai sekarang dah repurchase kesekian kali, tapi yang oke di aku cuma yg original aja. Yang varian lainnya kurang.

Sephora Kopari Coconut Oil Deodorant 221121 928 1

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Instagram



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Warm

17 Aug 2022

silviaboentoro recommends this product!

Udah lama banget pingin cobain produk Kopari & kebetulan di sephora bkk ada produknya 😍❤️ aku beli yg travel size karna gamau set high expectation banget sama produk ini. Packagingnya simple, ga aneh”, jujur si deodorant nya ga ada wangi aneh” sih & pas di apply ga bikin ketiak makin lengket. Suprise nya it works good ❤️❤️ aman dipake seharian di kantor. Minusnya produk ini ga available officially di indonesia. Bisa sih beli di olshop beauty tapi kalo beli di official store tuh lebih ada experience nya sendiri ☺️☺️

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Sephora



35 - 39

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

27 Jan 2022

rikakuncoro11 recommends this product!

1st impression baunya super lembut enak banget, packagingnya agak bulky dan ini bakal lama banget sih habisnya hahahaha, utk harga emng tergolong agak mahal tp worth to buy krn emng gede dan tahan lama, ak pke ini bneran nyaman sih ga lengket tp ketiak ttp lembab dan ga ninggalin stain di baju dan residu di ketiak, bikin kulit ketiak lbh halus dan cerah kl di ak ya, rekomen bangettt 💋

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Dark, Warm

08 Jul 2021

ecye16 recommends this product!

Sukaaa banget sama wangi deodoran ini. Dan dia gak ada wangi yg nyengat. Kita ttp masih ngerasa bau kalo over sweating. Tapi selama aku kerja pake deodorant ini fine2 aja . Gak ada bau yg gimana2. Tahan 12 jam untuk di ketiak aku. Pengen coba variant lagi kalo variant coconut ini udah abis. 🥰

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

18 Apr 2021

syafirayumna recommends this product!

entah kenapa keti aku suka gatel kalo pake deodorant makanya aku menghindari pake deodorant, terus waktu itu liat ini di salah satu online shop make up yg aku follow disitu ownernya bilang kalo deodorant ini natural dan cocok untuk kulit ketinyh sensitif sampe akhirnya aku coba dan ternyata emang bagus dong. entah kenapa pake ini keti aku ga gatel dan wanginya juga enak kayak kelapa kelapa gt terus aku pake gym juga aku ga bau he. aku suka sih tapi sayangnya harganya cukup mahal yah untuk deodorant untuk repurchased? hmm maybe mau coba yg harganya lebih affordable dulu

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Sephora



30 - 34

Dry, Medium Dark, Warm

30 Oct 2020

bamboo29 recommends this product!

Yes yes yes yes yes. one million yessssss! Kirain prodak2 deodoran yang ngomongnya “natural” gitu bakalan full of bs, trus ujung2nya tetep bau ketek tapi prodak ini sih amazing sih aku kaget banget. setelah workout ancur2an cardio class di F45, my ketek still smells amazeballs. btw aku belinya Kopari yg infused CBD oil, walaupun dia CBD (aromanya pas di deodorannya) tapi pas udah dipake di ketek tetep aroma coconut kok. so nice ☘️🥥☺️ mau pake ini forever aja!

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Tokopedia



25 - 29

Normal, Light, Neutral

08 Jul 2020

raissasabrina recommends this product!

I've been searching the right natural, clean deodorant for almost 5 year bcz it is real hard to find a good one without lasting foul smelling detox phase. Kopari is... my 4th try and 4 is a charm for me (my birth date is 4!). I bought the one in original scent and I AM LOVING IT! The formula is slightly oilier than conventional stick deo, so you need to use it on dry armpits for best result. The staying power on me, a fat, sweaty woman in air conditioned room... about 6 hours? I need to refresh or reapply after that OR after I walk under the sun. Not a problem since I spend most my time at home or office. One tube lasts me around 3-4 months bcz I apply on the night too. At the other hand, I have a new tube in CHARCOAL which smells a little off for me but the formula works better on sweaty day.

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Sephora



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Cool

23 Apr 2020

hanfrz recommends this product!

first things first, the scent 🤯. has coconut vanilla pleasing aroma which is best for my liking. it'll outlast your longest days and leave you smelling like fresh coconut they say. however no one liked the smell of it after approx 12 hr (the other products don't stay this long so its good) into wearing this. they say you will go trough a detox process for 4 week in the first place, unfortunately I still got the 'detoxifying' things right until now :(

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Sephora



35 - 39

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

30 Mar 2020

Gemandis recommends this product!

Aduh aku sempet underestimate produk ini karena kupikir apaan sih deodoran emang sebagus itu? Ternyata ya emang sebagus itu! Wanginya enak dan lembut banget, natural ga ada kandungan kimia2nya.. bikin ketiak aku lebih cerah ga menghitam sama sekali

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Sephora
