NIVEA Spray Protect & Refresh Cooling Sun Mist SPF50 - Beauty Review


Spray Protect & Refresh Cooling Sun Mist SPF50

Rp. 168.000



13 users

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69% users

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25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Cool

17 Jun 2022

afriskadiatama recommends this product!

bener-bener sayang banget sama produk nivea satu ini, aku selalu pake untuk reapply pas pulang kerja, after feelnya emang lengket buanget sih, tp dia bener-bener melindungi banget dari paparan sinar matahari. untuk harga segitu menurut aku worth it banget sih 😍

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Cool

11 Feb 2022

anastasianovita88 recommends this product!

Beli ini krn penasaran buat reapply sunscreen pas lg pergi2. Aku beli di pro seller di Tokped jd sekitar 89k an. Nivea ini sesuai sm klaimnya yg cepat menyerap & ada cooling sensationnya. Dia praktis krn bentuknya spray tp minusnya aku gak suka krn dia cairinnya dikit & mistnya yg banyak sehingga pas aku pake tuh malah berasa lbh terlindungi kalo pk sunblock yg berbentuk krim.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Tokopedia



18 and Under

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

11 Jun 2021

Memeee recommends this product!

INVISIBLE COOLING SUN SPRAY ? Kaget sih pas pertama kali nyemprot kirain ditipu eh baru baca- Kaya air doang tapi bau-bau kimia. Namanya sunscreen ya kalo terlindungi maksimal spf tinggi mana ada yang nyaman. Yang jelas ini super affordable, simpel, dan praktis sih. Make ini lebih hemat daripada sunscreen yang cream atau lotion. Yang penting ini tahan air sih jadi super aman kan kalo cuci tangan atau main di pantai gitu.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Neutral

18 Jan 2021

giselanastiti doesn't recommend this product!

I bought this because I wanted a sunscreen that easy to be reapplied on my skin. I thought that I would love this one. Unfortunately, this wasn't the one that I looked for. I sprayed this product right into my face and I didn't like it. The fragrance was too strong for me. The texture was also sticky. I had to wait at least 5 minutes in order to wait the whitecast to be gone. Yes, this product had this whitecast and it was disturbing for me. My face also looked so oily after using this product. Imagine when you have a combination skin then you put this up into your face. Ew, I'm not going to use this on my face again. The good thing was I kinda liked this one for my body sunscreen. When I had to go out for a long time, this one was my saviour. My skin didn't get burn easily. The stickiness was still the same. I had to mix it with my body moisturizer so that, the stickiness would be gone in seconds. Yep, that was my trick when using this sunscreen. The bottle was quite big. I didn't expect that honestly. It was too bulky to bring around and I wasn't sure if you could bring this sunscreen into the airplane cabin. If you had a problem with fragrance, you better stayed away from this product. I bought this sunscreen when it was on sale. I didn't regret that since the price was still affordable in my opinion. Sorry to disappoint you that I'm not going to repurchase this product again.

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Oily, Medium, Neutral

19 Oct 2020

gfs1494 recommends this product!

pakai ini pas banget waktu liburan akhir tahun lalu. aku make di tangan dan kaki aja. rasanya kalo dipake berasa greasy dan gaenak😅 cuma untuk keringkesannya aku suka karena tinggal semprot2 aja dan spfnya juga tinggi jd lumayan bgt dipakai.

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Tokopedia



35 - 39

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

15 Apr 2020

peacockgreen doesn't recommend this product!

Awalnya senang banget ada sunscreen yang (tampaknya) praktis, kebetulan beli pas diskon juga. Tapi sayangnya kok agak lengket yah. Aku pakai ini hanya untuk badan saja. Dan rasanya gerah gitu. Teksturnya sih ok mudah diratakan dan tidak whitecast (siapa juga yg merhatiin whitecast di tangan dan kaki, lol), tapi sayang sekali dia lengket. Yah mungkin memang paling cocok untuk digunakan ketika berenang, bukan untuk sehari-hari.

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : neuffa



35 - 39

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

23 Mar 2020

ulfadewi23 doesn't recommend this product!

Awalnya saya pikir pake sunscreen spray lebih mudah karena tinggal spray spray everytime we need, etapi ternyatq ga semudah itu maemunah, kita jd ga bs kira2 mesti pake seberapa supaya bs mengcover kuliy kita. Dan applynya ini aku jg bingung krna klo di botol tertulis jangan lgsg disemprotkan ke muka tp klo baca di web cara pakainya lgsg disemprot ke kulit. Di aku sih rasanya klo pke sunscreen ini kulit malah jd kusam dan lengket hiks alhasil sekarang jd sunscreen tangan dan kaki

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



30 - 34

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

19 Jan 2020

dwi_dyrra doesn't recommend this product!

aduh ini greasy bgt..bikin berminyak bgt, jadi gak pede abis pake ini krn wajah berminyak dan lgsg keliatan kumus2..trus lama nyerap ke kulit. Praktis krn spray but I hope nivea will make a better formulation.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

29 Nov 2019

keziaisgrace recommends this product!

Botol aerosol gitu.. Lumayan besar jadi gak travel friendly..
Sebenernya bingung boleh gak dipake di muka.. Tapi modal nekat dipake aja..
Wanginya khas aerosol lah, dan rada kenceng wangi alkoholnya..
Spraynya oke..
Hasilnya sedikit berminyak begitulah, jadi wajib ditambah bedak biar gak hinyay.. Cuman agak tricky milih bedaknya, karena ntar dia agak peeling gitu..
Gak bikin break out..
Tapi sungguh berhati hatilah kalau dipakai di muka, untuk daerah mata, karena beriringan dengan waktu kalau kamu keringatan, dia kaya 'leleh' dan akan ada rasa perih di mata.. Biasa sih siang menuju sore kalau saya pakenya ngasal, saya sudah mulai nangis nangis..

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Guardian



19 - 24

Normal, Medium Light, Warm

03 Oct 2019

athakbariana recommends this product!

Ikut trend sunscreen bentuk spray. Waktu beli ini lg diskon di Watsons dan experience nya cukup oke. Rasanya kaya ada lapisan film di muka, tapi ga greasy, ga ada white cast, dan tetep nyaman. Kemasannya tanggung, jd pas aja, ga cepet abis tapi nyaman dibawa.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Watson
