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15 Jun 2021
mandaratifa recommends this product!
baru pertama kali pake sunscreen yg teksturnya kyk tinted moisturizer. Pake ini berasa pake serum yg super lembab gitu, udah gitu ada glitternya deh? Produknya bagus untuk dipake sehari-hari terutama yg mager pake foundie, karena produknya udh ada tintednyaa. Udah gitu spfnya juga tinggi jadi cocok buat dipake di luar ruangan
Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months
Purchase Point : Shopee
13 Jan 2019
This makes the best sunscreen I've ever tried. I almost finish mine but this is so darn expensive (AU$89) that I'm not sure if I want to buy it 😠(I got mine from a product knowledge training from Arden when I was in Sydney). This goes really smoothly on my skin. The colour is like a tinted moisturiser so it won't leave any white cast. It also has the anti-oxidant that protects your skin from environmental damage (pollution) so your skin is well-shielded not only from UV but also pollution.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
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