B.Lab Matcha Hydrating Real Sun Screen - Beauty Review


Matcha Hydrating Real Sun Screen

Rp. 99.000



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30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

01 Jul 2022

alif92 recommends this product!

This sunscreen blends like a dream! Very light weight, absorbs seamlessly, and feels hydrating. It leaves behind a subtle healthy glow but not to the point that it will make your skin oily which I love it more! Wore it out several times and there was no pilling at all even under makeup too! 𝗔 𝗹𝗶𝗹 𝗶𝗻𝗳𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻, this sunscreen contains alcohol denature as 4th ingredient and COULD BE irritating for some people. So, I would be careful and patch test first And btw, there's a cooling, tingly sensation after initial application which doesn't bother me but FOR ME, the smell of the alcohol is a bit stronger, so sometimes it bothers me a lot 🥲🙏 Other than that, this sunscreen doesn't leave a white cast, cheap (i bought this around Rp 80-90k) and I can see myself recommending this to anyone, as long as you're okay with the alcohol thingy.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Lazada



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Warm

09 Jun 2022

eternallygrateful recommends this product!

Sunscreen terbaru dari B-Lab setelah sunscreen sebelumnya ditarik tiba-tiba dari market. Sunscreen ini tube-nya kecil dan langsing banget, jadinya friendly banget buat dikantongin di celana. Untuk sunscreen Korea, harganya terbilang murah. Aku beli sunscreen ini seharga 95 ribuan di Shopee. Sunscreen ini punya tekstur gel yang cukup mudah dibaurin. Ngga ninggalin white cast sama sekali karena emang termasuk chemical sunscreen. Filternya ada 5: Mexoryl SX (UVA), Uvinul T150 (UVB), Polysilicone-15 (UVB), Uvinul A Plus (UVA) dan Tinosorb S (UVA & UVB). Filternya udah sesuai urutan di ingredients list, ya, jadi harusnya perlindungan terhadap UVA-nya udah maksimal dan menghindarkam kulit dari gosong, kerutan halus sama dark spot karena Mexoryl SX, Uvinul A Plus sama Tinosorb S udah termasuk filter yang stabil. Finish-nya dewy di awal, tapi jadi kayak ga pake apa-apa sama sekali pas udah nge-set. Kata sebagian orang sih finish-nya natural, tapi kebetulan kulit aku sepanjang taun ini lagi kering-keringnya, jadi produk yang berat sekalipun ngga bikin kulit keliatan becek. Di aku sih minusnya cuma 1: sunscreen ini pedih di area sekitar mata, sehingga aku pake sunscreen lain buat area sekitar mata. Entah kenapa belakangan ini semua sunscreen Korea yang baru selalu punya masalah ini di aku. Padahal filternya baru semua. Aku ga pernah punya masalah ini dengan sunscreen Jepang. Btw, sunscreen ini ada kandungan alkoholnya tapi bebas parfum. Overall, cukup recommended sih. Tapi kayaknya aku bakal balik lagi ke Bioré UV Athlizm karena udah fix cocok banget sama sunscreen itu.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee