Tony Moly The Chok Chok Green Tea Watery Cream - Beauty Review

Tony Moly

The Chok Chok Green Tea Watery Cream

Rp. 159.000



7 users

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25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

06 Dec 2021

ffienzka recommends this product!

suka banget tiap dapet sample ini, karena melembabkan banget, wanginya juga enak, cepat meresap, dipakai sebelum makeup juga bikin makeup finishnya glowing kayak secondskin, aman banget buat dipake sama kulit sensitif dan mudah berjerawat

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point : Sample



30 - 34

Normal, Medium Light, Neutral

25 Apr 2021

queensfave recommends this product!

Teksturnya cream setengah gel ringan, wanginya seger enak. Sukanya itu karna teksturnya , ringan bgt di kulit, mudah meresap, tp setelah pake berasa lembab bgt, tp ga lengket dan beminyak. nyaman bgt, kulit berasa adem dan seger. Cocok bgt buat aku, soalnya biasanya aku pake ini kalo lg pake face oil, biar ga terlalu berat

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Lazada



18 and Under

Combination, Medium Light, Cool

14 Oct 2020

vcorralvl recommends this product!

meskipun tulisannya watery cream, ini kurang melembabkan ya buat dry skin, cuma hasil akhirnya matte dan enak bgt emg diaplikasiinnya, wangi juga oke, baunya enak plus green tea udh jadi ingredient fav, cm ya tadi itu, kurang melembabkan, buat pemula ini boleh bgt dicoba !!

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

25 May 2020

eodiya recommends this product!

Bangga banget make ini sampai habis!😂 aku acne prone banget, yang jerawat cystic gede marah dll.. moisturizer ini do nothing ke kulit aku☹️ tp make terus terusan aja karena emg lgi ga ada moisturizer lain. Ingredients nya ga neko neko sih, cocok buat normal skin yng nyari moisturizer green tea

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

12 Apr 2020

Edtin07 recommends this product!

The chok chok in Kbeauty means the super hydrated skin, dewy that is shining, and luminizing light. I bought this product because green tea has always been one of my favorite ingredients in skincare and its claims to be hydrating but lightweight. It does what it claimed; the texture is watery and easy to absorb almost as easy as when you're using aloe vera gel. Thus I also feel that for dry areas such as cheeks, it doesn't feel hydrating enough. I do not recommend this cream for the dry skin type, combination skin might do good, and a perfect cream for oily skin, especially that green tea is also an excellent ingredient for acne. This cream doesn't have actives with notable effects such as brightening, anti-aging, and kinds of stuff. It is just a good humectant that seals and complete your skincare routine. As for the chok chok effect, I can't say much about that either due to my skin being a combination; this cream is not enough to give hydration that I want.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Dark, Warm

10 Feb 2019

Belinya karena di endorsenya sma BTOB. Tp pas dpkk wktu masih di jogja, bt wajah jdi lembab dan ringan. Pkknya pas kluar sore-malem, soalnya pas aku pkk sma alas bedak nggk oke jdinya di aku :( pas pindah ke jawa timur di suhu lingkungan yg beda jg msih oke bt lembabin. Smpet aku andalin wktu pergi umroh, aku pkk ini bt lembabin dan itu efektif.



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

10 Oct 2018

Beli ini super ga niat buat apapun selain karena liat BTOB yg ngiklanin 😂 jd ga begitu berekspektasi lah. Tapi pas dicoba sama sekali ga nyesel! Malah suka bangett. Karena dia green tea jadi emang klaimnya bagus sebagai antioksidan. Dan setelah berminggu mingu pake ini emg kulit keliatan lebih sehat, kenyal, dan mengurangi produksi minyak! Teksturnya semi gel (?) dan watery. Jadi dioles dikit aja cukup untuk ratain di wajah, jadi lumayan irit. Minusnya gaada spatulanya dan agak lama menyerap + sedikit lengket jd cm dipake malem aja