Soroci Morning Drizzle Waterdrop Cream - Beauty Review


Morning Drizzle Waterdrop Cream

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19 - 24

Oily, Medium, Neutral

21 Mar 2019

Bentuknya jar tapi udh dapet spatula didalemnya, teksturnya gel ringan tapi pas dioles ke muka semacem jd “mencair” persis kyk nama produknya “waterdrop”, rasanya setelah pake muka kyk abis dikasih minum banyak wkwk cm masih kerasa ringan dan bikin muka sedikit cerah, tapi sayang butuh waktu agak lama buat produknya terserap, dan menurutku harganya sedikit mahal



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

08 Mar 2019

Cream moisturizer yg bentuknya kayak jelly tapi begitu nyentuh kulit berubah jd aer wkakak. Lucu lho, tp aku ga begitu seneng. Sensasi basahnya terlalu parah di aku si.. Trus entah kenapa aku ngerasa lembapnya masih lbh oke yg Calming Cream. Malah kurasa ini lbh cocok utk normal to dry skin. Atau maybe yg dehidrasi



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Warm

01 Jan 2019

A transparent gel-like cream that melts into a waterdrop when touching skin. The texture is so interesting and lovely. It feels like my skin drink it all up in one go. But it's also slippery and runny, I bet this is better packed in a pump bottle rather than the jar like this. It's so hard to scoop out!😂 It also has a scent of lavender. Honestly, I'm more often using the CC just because for day time I use facial oil beneath moisturizer, but yesterday I tried to use WC on top of my well-drinked-oil-skin and I could see it pilled. I guess it's the "beads" that can't absorb, beads of squalane oil and pearl extract.
I've tried another way which is use the cream directly after toner and it's better. It feels hydrating yet refreshing! A great gel-cream indeed but I don't think I would repurchase this. My skin prefer the CC/Calming Cream more.



25 - 29

Dry, Medium Light, Warm

30 Dec 2018

teksturnya gel-like, cenderung watery. gel-nya saat dioleskan ke kulit akan meleleh berubah jadi air. fragrance free tapi tetap wangi banget. ada EO-nya. efek hidrasinya oke. buat kulit kering kayak aku lebih cocok dipakai untuk AM.



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

20 Nov 2018

quick notes from skincarisma. Paraben-Free, Sulfate-Free, Alcohol-Free, Silicone-Free, EU Allergen-Free, Fungal Acne (Malassezia) Safe. Nikmat apalagi yg kamu dustakan😂 btw ini tetep mengandung essential oil ya, yg suka bau lavender. aku gak suka sayangnya. finishnya agak sticky, tapi jadi glowing2 gitu. teksturnya kek puding mengingatkan ku sama glow recipe watermelon glow mask, licin susah diambil. aku pakai jadi day cream, malemnya pakai yg calming