Abib Cosmetics Enriched Créme Zinc Tube - Beauty Review

Abib Cosmetics

Enriched Créme Zinc Tube

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25 - 29

Normal, Medium, Neutral

29 Jun 2022

Larassitepu recommends this product!

produk Abib tuh emang nggak ada yang mengecewakan, Moisturizer ini pun terbilang unik banget, pas dikeluarkan dari tube nya tuh dia rich cream tapi pas di apply jadi kayak lotion, feel nya oklusif di awal tapi bener-bener jadi humektan setelah beberapa saat di kulit kayak yang melted into water gitu, dan dia tuh finish nya hinyai banget, menul-menul plumpy kenyang moist, dan dia bantu merawat jerawat, kayaknya ini bakal nyaman ke all skin types, untuk yang oily pake nya dikit aja biar nggak terlalu basah tapi kalau kamu emang tipe yang suka hinyai finish sih ya terserah, yang pasti Moisturizer ini nggak bikin efek negatif apapun, experience nya sangat menyenangkan buatku

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Gift



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Neutral

16 Oct 2021

Denis_amartim recommends this product!

𝔸𝔹𝕀𝔹 𝔼𝕟𝕣𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕕 ℂ𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕞 ℤ𝕚𝕟𝕔 𝕋𝕦𝕓𝕖

𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬:
Contains Zinc oxide is the strongest to fight UVA and UVB. Panthenol is useful for protecting the skin from irritation and water evaporation. Hydrolyzed Hibiscus Esculentus Extract or protein complex extract from okra which functions to tighten and prevent fine lines. Its antioxidant content is also effective in preventing signs of aging and maintaining skin elasticity.

Moisturizer tube with a sleek packaging Like simple and elegant aluminum foil with screw cap. It looks hygienic so you also don't have to worry about product contamination from a spatula, air or fingers to keep the material safe and of course easy to use.

It has a slightly thick texture but is soft and creamy so it absorbs quickly into the skin without leaving a sticky feeling. There is no fragrance whatsoever because it doesn't contain fragrance


I have been using this product the last two weeks. I think the texture of this cream is a little thick. For moisture, I think I need extra products such as a hydrating toner, because I have dry skin. Plus point, it contains ingredients that can soothe the skin (such as anthenol, Huttuynia Cordata Extract, Centella Extract).
I think the Abib Enriched Cream Zinc Tube texture is better than the Hydration Creme Water abib. The best combination when combined with the Heartleaf Spot Pad Calming Touch Abib to relieve redness on the cheeks. Don't hesitate to use this moisturizer when your skin is sensitive because it doesn't contain alcohol, my skin is sensitive to alcohol.
Usually I use this at the end of skincare at night like a sleeping mask. I see a brightening effect, I mean there is no oxidation on the skin, when used during the day. I love this effect, it makes skin healthy, flawles and glowing. 70 ml is a lot, so worth it to buy & try.

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Brand website



25 - 29

Dry, Medium, Neutral

06 Sep 2021

njanifaw recommends this product!

Produk ini bagus bnget buat yg punya bruntusan, jrawat kcil, bahkan aku prnah ada jrawat nodul/cystic bisa smbuh bnget pkai ini rutin krna mmang kandungannya dri zinc ya yg mmang fkusnya untui bkteri jrawat. Bkin lembab bnget bangett buat klian yg dry skin..

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Brand website



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Warm

31 Aug 2021

christangela recommends this product!

comes in a silver tube packaging, packagingnya paling 'fancy' dibanding produk abib lainnya (yg lain mostly clean & simple), tp ttp dengan ciri khas abib yang nulis ‘hero ingredients’ mereka di bagian depan produk. Isinya 70ml, lumayan banyak untuk sebuah pelembab. Karna dia dikemas dalam bentuk tube, dia ga makan ruang & aman dibawa travelling. It's a white scentless cream sih. Awalnya mungkin akan kerasa heavy di kulit, tp dia bakal mudah meleleh ketika diratakan. Minusnya dia butuh bbrp saat utk meresap ke kulit, jd mungkin it's not a good choice when u r in a hurry. Beberapa orang mungkin ga suka karna feelsnya berat dikulit, tp menurutku dia sangat melembabkan & masih sangat terasa nyaman utk dipakai di negara tropis yg udaranya lembab. Ga lengket & greasy dikulitku. The most favorite thing about this cream dia bantu ngontrol sebum berlebih dikulitku dan meredakan jerawat. Meskipun harganya lumayan mahal, tp produknya worthed, apalagi isinya lumayan banyak!

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Gift



35 - 39

Dry, Medium Light, Warm

04 Jun 2021

fanisafea recommends this product!

Kalau kalian punya kulit normal atau oily, kurasa bakalan suka cream ini. Teskturnya creamy tp pas disprrad kayak melt jadi watery tapi ada feel oil sedikit.. Sebenernya enak, sampai sejam kemudian mulai kerasa matte di dalam kulitku dibandingin dengan routine yg sama tapi beda moist. Calmingnya lumayan sebenernya karena dia ada zinc..Tapi kandungan zinc ini juga sebum control yg jatuhnya bikin too dry for my liking.. Not my preference tapi it is a good product indeed

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : PR Package



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Warm

13 May 2021

Daneraalf recommends this product!

teksturenya bener bener thick banget ni moist tapi aku suka bangetttt karena nge seal gitu loh bentukannya gak bikin breakout samsek dan dia itu malah justru nahan minyak bngt di wajah jadi gak gakmpang berminyak atau greasy pas pake ini emng sedikit susah pas blend cuman ini baguuussss bngt

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Gift



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Neutral

11 May 2021

Eneruuuu recommends this product!

•Ingredientsnya terdiri dari bahan-bahan alami yg terlihat jelas pada kemasan
•Teksturnya creamy-thick berwarna putih dan oklusif
•Abib Enriced Creme ini gampang banget diblend dan langsung menyerap walaupun pada tampilannya keliatan berat. Aslinya, ini tuh langsung meleleh pas udah dioles-oles ke muka serta gak lengket dan gak greasy juga. Moisturizer ini juga cocok untuk kalian pemilik kulit berminyak, kering dan sensitif.

Pas pake ini di AM routine, aku ga ngerasa berat serta ga bikin muka aku minyakan parah walaupun pake sunscreen juga, terlebih dengan skintype aku yg kombinasi.
Yang bikin aku seneng adalah walaupun dia ada kandungan siliconenya, dia ga bikin muka aku komedoan. Dan emang, Abib Enriched Creme ini mengklaim produknya non-comedogenic. Moisturizer ini juga pregnancy safe dan isinya banyak banget!

Ketika pake ini dislot PM routine, dia ngebantu banget untuk mengunci skincare rutin malem aku dan pas bangunnya, muka terasa lebih lembab.

•Hasil yang aku rasain selama pake ini hampir sebulan adalah membantu memperbaiki skin barrier dan jarang banget muka aku muncul redness. Ini pertama kalinya aku pake moisturizer yang ada essential oilnya (lavender dan bargamot) dan ternyata cocok!

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Brand website



30 - 34

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

08 May 2021

lismagiovani recommends this product!

Packaging gived attention with metallic gray color and key ingredients in the packaging which makes it even more eye catching. Containing Zinc Oxide, Panthenol, Houttuynia Cordata Extract, Centella Asiatica. Zinc Oxide : Effective for irritated skin and creates protective layer for your skin while preventing it from harmful and external irritants.
Also helps strengthen skin barrier, prevents your skin from damages and makes it healthy and soothed. Panthenol, Houttuynia Cordata Extract and centella extract soothe and relax your skin. It strengthens your skin barrier and keeps your
skin looking healthy and radiant. The product looks like regular thick moisturizer, but it does spread well over layers of other skincare. my skin get glowing after using this product. Despite having zinc in the ingredients, the product doesn’t leave a white cast. It’s a little sticky immediately after application, but that goes away within about minutes. There’s no scent, as far as I can tell.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : PR Package



25 - 29

Normal, Medium Light, Neutral

06 May 2021

putrimaudyla recommends this product!

Another one of the best moisturizers i've ever tried. ❤
The first time when i saw the packaging i expected the product was packed in a aluminium tube. In fact, its actually comes in a silver-like plastic tube, With some white wording of the ingredients in front of it.

Containing Zinc Oxide, Panthenol, Hydrolyzed Hibiscus Esculentus Extract, Centella Asiatica and bunch of skin conditioning ingredients , it makes these cream texture feels thick, almost buttery and dense. I have no problem while applying, but if you feel this was too tricky to apply and wanted smoother aplication, it's better to warm up in your hands first before applying it in your face.

This one does help to protect skin from UV damage, provides intensive soothing and moisturizing care, also feel that my skin are more nourished after using this.
It gives such a dewy look on my skin. I thought it would be super heavy on skin and expecting to have a discomfort situation while using them, as i think this type of consistency might won't work on a tropical and humid weather in here, Fortunately I don't feel any dull and heaviness while using this. Besides, these was light on skin but when you touch it you would feels some protective layers on top of your skin. Theres also no scent coming from this product which i like.

Been loving these cream at the moment, although this might be the most thickest moisturizer i'd ever go with, since i actually more prefered gel type. But this one is definetely worth to have it in my stash.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : PR Package



30 - 34

Combination, Medium, Neutral

02 May 2021

dinaotaya recommends this product!

salah satu moisturizer yg agak tricky menurutku, kalo kebanyakan bakalan pilling. pun kalo pakenya dikit, tp sebelumnya pake skincare yg thick dia jg ttp pilling.
jd kalo lg pake produk yg thick aku pakein sesuatu yg watery runny kaya face mist baru pake moisturizer enriched creme ini, jdnya aman ga akan pilling. kemarin kulit sempet iritasi, moisturizer ini sangat membantu memperbaiki skin barrier ku dengan waktu yg cukup singkat. aku suka sama finishnya yg satin, juga ga bikin greasy setelah di pakai beberapa lama.
✅ all skin type related bgt moisturizer ini tuh, dry skin pun pasti suka pake moist ini, karna lembabnya ok dan aku jg rasain dengan baik 👍🏼
aku pun iseng pakein moist ini ke area eksimku yg lg merah2, kering dan perih. efeknya gmn? walopun perih pada saat di pake, tapi setelahnya eksimnya agak mereda dan juga udh ga merah2 lagi.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Gift
