Chanel Chanel Hydra Beauty Lotion - Beauty Review


Chanel Hydra Beauty Lotion


Rp. 1.320.000



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19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

13 May 2023

abigails recommends this product!

Love the milky runny consistency yang cepet banget ngeresapnya ke dalam kulit. Dan untuk wanginya khas produk2 Chanel lainnya which is floral scent yang engga ganggu sih for me. From the moment I put it on my hands before I applied it to my face I could tell how high quality it was going to be✨. It makes my skin super soft, hydrated n left my skin with an incredible glow😙

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Dark, Warm

28 Jun 2020

dindadjodi recommends this product!

Lotion Chanel pertama yang pernah gue cobain. Sebenernya it's very unnecessary for me buat beli lotion wajah semehong ini tapi gue kepo. Dari type nya aja udah ga cucok sama gua yang kulitnya berminyak, ini ditujukan buat yang kulit kering. Wanginya itu loh mewah banget, mirip foundi Les Beige nya Chanel. Tipikal wangi2 Chanel lah. Claim nya si helps preserve an optimal moisture level and makes your skin appears softer, smoother, brighter & plumper. Buat plumping si kind of gue ngerasain, tapi ga tau apakah ini efek dari Chanel or si Estee Lauder essence karna gue make timpa2 hmmm. Yang jelas kalo dipake ke dua nya optimal jadinya. Tapi gua ga make si Chanel ini banyak2, cukup 3 tetes, di usep2 make tangan sampe panas, trus di dab dab ke muka. Kalo brighter si ga ngerasain ya, lebih nampol si Estee Lauder jelasnya. Repurchase? maybe not.

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store