Oskia Restoration Oil - Beauty Review


Restoration Oil

Rp. 1.890.000



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25 - 29

Oily, Medium Dark, Warm

24 Feb 2021

dindadjodi recommends this product!

WOW. Not your usual face oil. Packaging nya warna tosca gelap make pipet serum kaya botol-botol pada umumnya, the smell...OMG SO LUXURIOUS & baunya kaya herbs, plants, bener-bener therapeutic banget! Karena di web nya dia bilang make natural certified organic ingredients seperti: African Acmella, Lupin, Sea Fennel, Heart Seed Vine, Turmeric, Starflower, Rose Hip Seed & Evening Primrose (itu baru secuil) kalo di web nya masih ada long list dan itu ga ada yang harmful, brand ini memprioritaskan clean ingridients, menurut ku OSKIA ini masih underrated banget. Gue oily skinned, and I have no problems at all using this. Selalu gue pake tiap malem as my last skincare routine on top of my Clinique iD Dramatically Different Oil-Free Gel, cukup 3-4 tetes ke telapak tangan, usap-usap sampe panas, terus tap-tap ke muka pake pressure dikit sambil usap ke arah atas. Asli cepet banget absorb nya, instant radiant, glowy & gak greasy sama sekali bener-bener lightweight. Dan sesuai sama claim nya, NON COMEDOGENIC! I've used this for quite a long time now and it didn't breaks me out! Plus, kalo ada ruam kemerah-merahan di wajah bisa juga pake ini, ditinggal beberapa jam langsung hilang. Bener-bener cult beauty bgt. Ity costs you a limb but its worth every penny, dan agak susah cari di Indo.

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Nordstorm