Neogen White Truffle Laycure Oil Stick - Beauty Review


White Truffle Laycure Oil Stick

Rp. 319.824



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40 - 44

Dry, Light, Cool

16 Aug 2020

Bozzmoms recommends this product!

ini face oil tapi berbentuk stick padat, jadi mirip lip balm. warnanya kuning. mudah dibawa bawa dan mudah untuk dioles di area2 tertentu kapan pun dibutuhkan. saya pakai ini sebagai face oil. dipakai di step sebelum cream atau setelahnya, dua2 nya oke. tapi lebih suka di step paling akhir karena dia bersifat occlusive kalau menurut aku, bukan oil yang bersifat emmolient. dia bikin kulit berasa lembab sampai keesokan pagi.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Tokopedia


23 Feb 2018

jadi beberapa waktu lalu aku beli produk ini nitip ke temen di Korea dan juga karena kepincut sama banyak blogger2 kan dan waktu dipake di daerah mata aja enak, gimana ya kalau di pake diseluruh muka? hehe

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :


22 Feb 2018

pertama kali beli bukan beli sendiri waktu itu aku dapat hadiah dari orang, pas coba2 pake ternyata sesuai sama claim produknya, mungkin akan beli lagi sih kalau harganya udah agak turun dipasaran haha

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

12 Jul 2017

At first I was thinking of using this product just around my eyes (like an eye cream because I'm getting older and I'd like to start putting extra care there haha) since it contains vit B that I thought is gonna help nurture the delicate area, but one night I randomly put it all over my face just to test it and I love the result! My skin feels smooth and radiant after use. Mind you this is "oil in stick" formula but it doesn't make my skin oilier than it is! I think it's a great product for all skin type, since I do use it to spot treat the dry patches around my face too. I'm not sure about the long term effect of using this product, but with each uses I notice my skin looks less dull than before. They have a liquid serum version of this too but to be honest I can't get over how convenient the application of the stick is! The only con would definitely be the size—for only being 10gr it will go away quickly if you use it everyday. Packaging is meh, it's just like a giant lipbalm lol. Got mine from for only 150K!!! But it's currently sold out as I'm writing this hopefully it's available again soon!

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

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