Haba Squalene Pure Roots Facial Oil - Beauty Review


Squalene Pure Roots Facial Oil

Rp. 200.000



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40 - 44

Dry, Medium Dark, Warm

17 Apr 2018

Pertama coba langsung pakai yang 60 ml gara-gara counternya di Abeno Mall Tennoji diserbu turis. Habis ludes untuk yg ukuran kecil. Pakai pagi & malam, so far menurutku lebih cepat menyerap dibanding Rosehip. Rasanya membuat kulit lebih lembab sepanjang hari buat kulitku yang super dry. Lebih mudah saat pemakaiannya dibanding Rosehip yang pakai pipet. Cukup diteteskan saja & tidak luber. Suka banget dengan produk ini.



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

29 Aug 2016

ini produk haba rangkaian series squalane temennya g lotion, face oil yang gentle banget, it comes in different volume, ada yang 15ml, 30ml, and 60 ml, aku belinya yg 15ml harganya 200k. aku pakai ini untuk face massage sih biasanya dicampur sama favorite emulsion aku, kalo pas winter/kulit kering banget aku selalu pake ini pagi malam di akhir rangkaina skincare routine aku, aku suka banget sih sama face oil ini, rasanya light banget, lebih light dibanding trilogy rosehip oil/ tarte maracuja oil. cepet ngeresap ke kulitnya, n kulit dijamin bouncy and well moistured, kulitku sensitif so ada beberapa produk yang kalo bentrokan bikin aku gatel gatel bruntusan tapi produk face oil ini never let me down, mau sebelumnya aku pakai clinique toner aku/ sk2 fte aku produk ini tetep aman dipakai setelahnya, kulitku ga bereaksi, so i love it. aku denger ini produk sebenarnya punya fungsi yang sama seperti bio oil cuma dia mengandung anti aging properties aja jadi itu distiction nya. so far love it, ready to purchase my second bottle.



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

10 Aug 2016

This brand named Haba originated from Japan, this brand is known as their natural ingridients good for sensitive skin and during pregnancy skincare. This face oil have 3 variant (original pure roots, Q10(anti aging), and VC(whitening). It comes for 15ml, 30ml, and 50ml bottles. It helps ur skin to get moistured 24hr without feeling sticky and tacky. Easy absorbs to ur skin and favorite face oil for face massaging. Basicly its is multifunctional oil like bio-oil u can use it for face and body, this product is bio oil with light version. It is not that oily as bio oil and fit for any type of skin. What i impress from this product is it is worth the money and bring several variant which we can choose based on our need without decrease its goodness. I purchase it for 1500yen for 15ml last time.