Sioris Time is Running Out Mist - Beauty Review


Time is Running Out Mist

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30 - 34

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

12 Dec 2023

catharinanggraeni recommends this product!

Kalo aku lagi males skincare-an tapi kulit wajah tetep harus terjaga hidrasinya, face mist dari sioris ini jadi andalanku. Ada kandungan macadamia dan jojoba seed oil yg bikin kulit tetap terjaga kelembapannya dan bikin seger. Ini teksurnya bi-phase, jadi wajib di kocok dulu sblm dipake. By far ini ngga meninggalkan rasa lengket meskipun dipakai berkali2.

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : PR Package



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Neutral

19 Jul 2023

Cimut411 recommends this product!

aku suka banget pake face mist nya.. karena kulit kering aku yang sangat butuh hidrasi yg amat sangat.. mah mist dari sioris ini membantu kulit ku jadi lembab dan bebas dari kering. walau pun harga nya lumayan tapi worthed to buy sih buat aku.

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : PR Package



19 - 24

Normal, Medium, Warm

04 Jul 2023

dedehsitirohmah recommends this product!

Diantara produk sioris yang aku pakai, ini fav aku ❤️. Mist ini sudah 3 in 1 (toner+serum oil + essence), jadi hemat dan simpel banget kalo lagi mau buru buru. Semprotannya juga menyebar sempurna dan partikelnya halus banget ✨. Sebelum dipakai, dikocok terlebih dahulu, karena da 2 fase (biar kecampur dengan rata). Pokoknya cinta poll sama produk ini, bantu banget kalo skinceran pagi buru buru mau berangkat kerja 👍

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : PR Package



30 - 34

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

20 Jun 2021

ikannya recommends this product!

Udah lama penasaran sm face mist ini karna sering bgt dimention beautywithin. Brand sioris ini punya packaging yg khas banget, boxnya dari recycled paper dan botol berwarna putih dgn konsep minimalis ❤ Kandungan utamanya Yuzu, claimnya all in toner yang bisa dipakai jg di slot serum. Face mist ini mengandung 3 oil, yaitu jojoba oil, macademia oil, dan sunflower jadi harus dishake dulu sebelum dipakai. Wanginya citrusy dan fresh banget, mistnya juga halus banget, bikin kulit fresh dan lembab. Aku ngga pakai ini di slot skincare routine, cuma sesekali saat di siang hari supaya kulit fresh dan lembab aja. Experiencenya menyenangkan jadi kayanya akan beli kalo ada kesempatan atau sale 😂 karna harganya agak pricey, 100 ml sekitar 300k - 350k.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

21 Dec 2020

abigails recommends this product!

it's a big thanks to beautywithin who talk so many times 'bout this one since last year💌. This mist have water layer for hydration and an oil layer for nourishing. Oil layer-nya ada kandungam macadamia oil, jojoba oil, sunflower seed oil for nourishing the skin. And water layer juga contain green plum water. On my combo skin, this mist not oily at all, fast absorb and lightweight and give glow kinda look. I use this every single nite and when i wake up my skin feels hydrate, plumpy, healthy and glowing😍🤗

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Oily, Light, Neutral

05 Feb 2020

haickelfranklyn recommends this product!

Did you use facial mist on your #skincareroutine? After I met this at the right price (discount, lol) I finally decided to bought this!
#sioris Time is Running Out Mist
While I found that several face mists doesn’t come with a box, this one does. The design is very simple yet eye catching. For the bottle itself, it comes with a clear plastic bottle. Since it was a bi-phase facial mist (oil separated from the water), I don’t think a plastic bottle suits this as the oil tends to stick on the bottle (see 2nd picture). The spray nozzle is great tho, it delivers the mist so fine🤞🏻
𝘾𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙧,𝙏𝙚𝙭𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙎𝙘𝙚𝙣𝙩
The water phase is clear, very much alike water. The oil itself has orange color. Since I have an #oilyskin, it felt a little bit oily on my skin, but not too much, I can bare this as its easily absorbed onto my skin. The scent was fresh and citrusy, I love it!
Instead of using plain water, they used 78% of Prunus mume Water (Plum Blossom), a humectant ingredient. The oil contains Macadamia Seed Oil, Jojoba Seed Oil, and Sunflower Seed Oil. Beta-carotene, glycerin, allantoin, beta-glucan, vitamin E, and licorice extract also available on the ingredients list. Packed with good stuff, right?
𝙈𝙮 𝙍𝙚𝙫𝙞𝙚𝙬
Why they picked the “Time is Running Out” name? Apparently, this face mist is a 3-in-1 multi formula concept! It’s a mist, toner, and serum. I love using this on my evening routine. It’s not greasy at all. But I don’t think that I need a mist on my routine. Until I stepped up my Retinol dosage, I realize that this mist help my skin a lot! My skin is much more drying nowadays. It doesn’t irritated my skin on my dry-skin period too. Repurchase? Probably, but I’ve been eyeing another mist at the moment. Have you tried any Sioris’s product? I want to hear your experience too!

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

15 Jul 2019

mutiarzkeyy recommends this product!

Saya dapet yg autumn production, bahan utama nya citrus yuzu water, jadi wangi jeruk yg seger gitu!! ini facemist yg biphase, ada lapisan minyak diatasnya mengandung macadamia nut, jojoba dan sunflower oil jadi sebelum dipakai harus dikocok dulu biar nyampur. Butiran spray nya nyebar dan fine bgt (butiran air nya gak gede2). Spray sedikit kulit langsung instan lembab gitu, tanpa bikin kulit basah kaya kesiram air (you know what i mean). gak ngasih efek negatif sih di kulit saya tapi kurang suka aja biphase gini kurang puas pakainya. kalau kebanyakan greasy gitu dan gaada rasa seger2 nya di kulit, lebih suka aqulabo. Dia abisnya cepet bgt saya beli yg 100ml belum seminggu udah abis 1/3 padahal makenya gak sering

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : PR Package



35 - 39

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

02 Jun 2019

Aku dapet batch produksi Autumn yaitu pakai bahan utama Citrus fruit extract. Sempet skeptis karena citrusnya tapi thanks to plant oilsnya yang aku rasa lebih ke seger dan melembapkan sih. Aku bisa pakai ini habis cuci muka atau setelah hydrating toner buat buffernya. Surprise surprise kulit lembapnya tahan lama. Bisa dipakai buat touch up skincare, karena diklaim multifungsi jadi toner, face mist, dan serum. Actually, aku mau coba ini jadi face mist sebelum reapply sunscreen (physical) kira2 nyaman gak ya? I'll update later!

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



19 - 24

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

13 Apr 2019

jihanadirah recommends this product!

mist yang ampuh banget especially untuk kulit superrr dry, cinta banget! aku biasa pake ini sebagai toner (di spray 3-4 kali) kalo pas abis cuci muka kulitku superrr kering dan ketarik. sangat hydrating, tidak greasy walaupun dia ada kandungan oilnya, cepet banget meresapnya, dan baunya enak banget!! bahkan untuk daily use aku bisa pake ini aja trus langsung sunscreen kalo lagi males pake moisturizer hihi. bahkan aku pernah iseng pake toner ini aja waktu malem tanpa pake moisturizer karena penasaran se-hydrating apa sih, eh ternyataaaa..... pas bangun tidur kulit tetep lembab sama kaya kalo pake sleeping mask, padahal tipe mukaku dry banget. minusnya sih harga nya mahal kalo dibandingin sama isinya dan cepet banget habisnya. tapi aku recommend ini buat yang nyari toner/mist yang super hydrating dan efeknya bisa tahan lama. pasti akan repurchase lagi tapi gatau kapan hihi, karena masih mau hunting hydrating toner yang laiin

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



30 - 34

Combination, Medium, Warm

07 Apr 2019

beli nie krna liat review nya liah yoo...n dia suka bgt pake ini...belilah yg uk kecil nya ..30 ml ..ini semacam hydrating toner tpi watery.bukan yg gel ato yg thick bgt...cpt meresap di kulit ga perlu nunggu lama...tonernya wrna kuning semacam oil gt n sisi bwahnya putih ky air biasa..jd klo mw di apply..biasa dikocok dlu spy nyampur air n oilnya...cuma kekurangannya cpt bgt abis nya...n hrgnya so pricey drpd hydrating toner kecintaan aq si hadalabo gokujun.oh ya wanginya citrus gitu...seger sih n sama sekali ga mengganggu.repurchase? kynya ga dlu lanjut hadalabo ato coba toner lainnya aja..

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :
