Make Prem Comfort Me. Mild Soothing Mist - Beauty Review

Make Prem

Comfort Me. Mild Soothing Mist

Rp. 400.000



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35 - 39

Combination, Light, Warm

04 Aug 2020

Fr4nc3s recommends this product!

Face mist ini bentuknya bi-phase, oil blends warna hijau di bagian atas dan botanical extracts (water-based) di bawahnya. Bbrp kandungannya yg aku suka itu ada ekstrak aloe vera, centella, houttuynia cordata, propolis, willow bark (natural BHA), licorice and green tea to name a few. Utk plant oilnya jg bermacam2, ada jojoba, olive, avocado and basil. Some essential oils are present too, lavender for antibacterial and orange peel for perfuming. Wangi floralnya enaaak deh, seger banget a bit citrus-y, not overwhelming dan cepet ilangnya begitu dia nyerep di kulit. Feelnya ringan dan melembabkan. Aku biasa pake ini buat moisture sandwich-ing kalo kulit lg kerasa dehidrasi. Aku spray ini sebelum moisturiser dan kulit jd krasa lembab lebih lama. Di siang hari jg sering aku pake buat refresh the skin krn masih bnyak di rumah jd kulit suka kering kena AC terus.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Tokopedia