The Inkey List Vitamin B, C and E Moisturizer - Beauty Review

The Inkey List

Vitamin B, C and E Moisturizer

Rp. 5



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35 - 39

Dry, Light, Cool

23 Jul 2022

sevenrain recommends this product!

this one is considered as treatment not moisturizer, and to be used 2-3 times per week. tapi kalo mau dijadikan ini sebagai moisturizer, gak ada masalah juga. pas awal2 beli, ini aku jadikan sebagai treatment dan aku pakai hanya malam hari, seminggu 2 kali. perubahan yang keliatan selama 2 tube lah kurang lebih, kulit jadi glowing banget dan sehat, tapi tidak kenyal dan elastis gitu. kalo abis cuci muka, masih terlihat kering. pas tube ke empat, aku jadiin ini night cream a.k.a moisturizer, sampe sekarang... gak banyak perubahan sih untuk melembapkan kulit kering, atau mungkin not good enough for dry skin kayak aku kali yah... tapi hiperpigmentasi aku banyak yang hilang, beberapa yang membandel pun hampir pudar dan nyaris gak keliatan. undertone aku juga lebih cerah dan keliatan sehat banget. untuk berharap hasil yang cepat dari produk ini, kayaknya gak bisa. tapi sekitar 4 bulanan kalo rutin dipake, ini ngasih hasil yang bikin aku kaget juga. as I said before, this one is treatment. jadi ngasih hasilnya slow but sure

The Inkey List Vitamin B, C and E Moisturizer imgfdn-30eb910d-3311-48c5-830f-0086e71ed869-2250945 1

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Seibu



25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Neutral

22 Nov 2020

giselanastiti recommends this product!

One of the best moisturizers that I've tried so far! I loved everything about this product. The price point was so cheap. Everybody could afford this moisturizer for sure. The texture was kinda more like a gel but it was a bit thicker. I should say that it was a combination of gel and cream texture. It was perfect texture for normal skin type. I wasn't sure whether the dry skin owner would love this moisturizer since it wasn't thick enough as the last step of skincare. The colour of this moisturizer was a bit dark not so clear like I expected. As we knew, this product contained some vitamins such as vitamin B, C and E. The vitamin B itself was the mighty niacinamide, vitamin C was ascorbyl glucoside and the last but not least vitamin E was tocopherol. Even though there were a lot of great brightening ingredients, I didn't feel any brightening effect. I just felt this one worked as a good moisturizer and that was all. Since I didn't know the percentage of those vitamins, I bet that I shouldn't put a high hope toward this moisturizer. Unfortunately, you couldn't buy The Inkey List from any official store both online and offline in Indonesia. You could find this product officially on Sephora Malaysia and Singapore. I believed you could also buy this product from some personal shoppers. Definitely worth my money. I would love to repurchase this moisturizer again.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Sephora