Pyunkang Yul Acne Cream - Beauty Review

Pyunkang Yul

Acne Cream

Rp. 300.000



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30 - 34

Combination, Medium Dark, Warm

12 Nov 2019

icamumtaza doesn't recommend this product!

udah lama banget beres pake ini tapi baru kepikiran untuk review sekarang karena kurang berkesan wakakakaka.

this product comes is a gel-cream consistensy. well, it's more like a gel than a crean sih sesungguhnya. it's easily absorbed but still leaves a slighty tacky finish. it doesn't pill under makeup. I usually use this in my AM routine.

just as the introduction, this product leaves no distinct impression for me. it works as a basic moisturizer but that's it. its moisturizing property is good enough for AM use, but I definetely need richer, heavier one for PM use. it doesn't really help either with acne and irritation.

repurchase? nope, I'm not that impressed with this product.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

05 Aug 2019

Produk PKY yang pertama banget gue coba. Sebenernya tertarik sih dengan produk2 yg lain karena rata2 produknya straight forward dan ga pake bahan macem2 tp belom kesampean buat nyobain. Terus liat si moisturizer ini di youtubenya liah yoo. Dia bilang ini moisturizer yg ringan banget dan cocok kl di udara yg humiditynya tinggi. Langsung lah gue coba dan ternyata emg bener kalo moisturizer ini ringan bgt! Jujur aku males pake moisturizer karena ngerasa berat dan malah jd clogged pores gitu tp moisturizer ini ngga samsek. Teksturnya gel ringan dan gaada bau dan warnanya bening aja gitu. Cepet nyerap juga dan ga greasy sm sekali. Pake di am/pm routine pun ga masalah, tetep ngelembabin. Tapi selain bikin lembab gue ga ngerasa ada efek lain sih dr moisturizer ini. Overall ini cucok bgt buat yg ga suka moisturizer berat yg bikin greasy!

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Neutral

24 May 2019

Aku baru banget beli tgl 22-05-2019, dan baru di pakai 3 hari, dan kayaknya ga cocok di kulit aku krn muncul jerawat kecil2 :( padahal enak sih. Tekstur gel gitu. Aku mau preloved aja, waktu aku beli 265.000 aku jual seharga 185.000 (masih lengkap dgn box nya) Kalau berminat contact 085771566020, wa aja yaa, thank youu:)

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



19 - 24

Oily, Medium, Warm

26 Jan 2019

my go-to moisturizer kalau kulit lagi super oily dan breakout. enak buat day moisturizer karena dia ga terlalu rich dan nyerep total tanpa meninggalkan residue. the ingredients look good and acne-friendly. even tho im not sure of its acne healing power, it certainly doesnt aggrevate mine. will repurchase.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Oily, Light, Neutral

30 Dec 2018

Star Ingredients: Green Tea, Licorice, Rosemary leaf, Asiatic pennywort, Martello, Matricaria flower. I always love how Pyunkang Yul uses simple and natural ingredients. Though the name is 'cream', but it comes in a lightweight, oil-free gel form. It helps me a lot to deal with acne. Jerawat jadi cepet matang dan ilang. Will repurchase

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

04 Nov 2018

Aku pakai kurang lebih 4 harian trus aku stop. Rasanya greasy dan lama banget meresapnya😭 padahal bentuk nya gel udah kaya natrep tp susah banget nyerapnya sampe sama aku di blot pakai tisu wajah biar ga terlalu keliatan 'becek'. Trus buat hasilnya di muka ku ga ngaruh cuma ya gatau jg sih soalnya baru pakai 4 hr.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



19 - 24

Oily, Dark, Warm

29 Oct 2018

teksturnya gel jd enak, cepet nyerap. harganya msh terjangkau bgt udh gitu krim ini bisa dipake siang malam. produk ini juga bisa nenangi kulit dan sedikit menghilangkan kemerahan untuk mengecilkan pori2 sih enggak

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :