Novexpert Expert Anti-Aging Fluid - Beauty Review


Expert Anti-Aging Fluid

Rp. 560.000



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25 - 29

Combination, Light, Neutral

28 Jan 2016

Novexpert anti aging fluid bagusss.. Pas mau beli ini, sempet bingung mau ambil yg cream atau yg fluid..
Tp akhirnya beli yg fluid biar ringan, dan emang gak nyesel.. Emang ringan bgt di kulit ga kerasa greasy, cepet menyerap & bikin kulit moist bgt tanpa bikin nambah oily..
Suka bgt deh pokonya..
Pas untuk dipake as a day cream, dimana biasanya ritual skincare pagi emang butuh yg cepet menyerap soalnya kan udah ditumpuk2 sama sunscreen, makeup, dll,, belom lagi buru2nya..
Kalau efek anti aging belom keliatan sih ya secara belom lama pake, tp gw berharap semoga aja memang efektif buat anti aging..
Suka sama packagingnya yg tube, jd higienis.. cuman kadang2 klo ga hati2 mencetnya suka kebanyakan gt keluarnya.. mungkin karna teksturnya yg encer

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

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30 - 34

Oily, Light, Warm

07 Oct 2015

Most importantly, this doesn't break me out. I like that despite its function to moisturize the skin, once applied, it's non sticky, and dries up matte on me. And it works in moisturizing my skin quite well. I had very dehydrated, flaky skin but this restores my skin condition after just several use. Applied under my usual CC Cream, this makes my skin a bit more dewy after 10 hours, and after using it day and night for about 2 weeks, a bit oily after 10 hours. Normally, before, with the same CC Cream and without this product, my skin will be very matte throughout the day til I wipe off my makeup at night. I haven't seen the brightening effect it claims to give, but I haven't given it 28 days before review anyway. I do notice my skin getting smoother upon touch. Overall, I quite like this product, and will perhaps try out other products from Novexpert.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

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