Kanebo Fresh Day Cream - Beauty Review


Fresh Day Cream

Rp. 690.000



4 users

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25 - 29

Combination, Light, Neutral

11 Mar 2023

archangelica recommends this product!

Dulunya fresh day cream sekarang ganti packamging jadi cream in day. Krim muka pagi mengandung spf 20 tapi ga white cast, ada sedikit tone up tapi tipis banget, moisturizing tapi ga oily, wangi enak, tekstur lembut, light buat krim pagi, ga greasy.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Central



19 - 24

Dry, Light, Cool

22 Oct 2020

derinhalmorha doesn't recommend this product!

bisa dibilang efek nya gak sebagus kemasan dan harganya. kayaknya brand ini jauh lebih bagus di kosmetik deh dibanding skincare.... pas dipake, hasil akhirnya malah matte bahkan cenderung ke kering. pas dipakein bedak jadi crack! umumnya day cream ketika di aplikasikan ke muka, otomatis muka berubah lebih seger, day cream ini gak sama sekali. kesimpulannya, biasa banget

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Combination, Light, Cool

01 May 2019

Chntya08 recommends this product!

Beli day cream ini buat ngelengkapin rangkaian skincare kanebo yg lain. Punyanya ku yang bentuk tube 40ml dan udh reformulasi dgn tambahan spf 30. Teksturnya lembut banget, gk seberapa thick, warna putih kental agak kekuningan. Udah pake beberapa bulan, first impression sih enak dingin banget waktu pertama kali bersentuhan dengan muka, tapi selebihnya gak. Moisturizing banget, wajah keliatan seger, dewy look tapi lama-lama kelihatan agak greasy dan nyerapnya lumayan lama. Not really impressed bcs of the price is so expensive imo, very recommended for super dry skin but for me, i dont think i will repurchase this product.

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : SOGO



40 - 44

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

13 Dec 2016

I didn't think I was going to love this day cream as much. Biasanya sih day cream ya jarang ada yang punya efek "wow" gitu kan di kulit karena efeknya ya paling melebabkan aja. Tapi Kanebo Fresh Day Cream ini teksturnya emang enaaak banget. It's a very light gel lotion that sinks into your skin fast but leaves a lasting hydration. Sesuai namanya, setelah pake ini memang kulit kerasa "segar". I also notice my skin looks matte longer compared to when I use other day creams, but never dry. I think those with oily skin will really enjoy using this because it's so light and yet those with drier skin can enjoy its lasting hydration. Ini udah ada SPF-nya juga walaupun saya tetap pakai sunscreen lagi di atasnya. Overall, a great day cream!