First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream Intense Repair - Beauty Review

First Aid Beauty

Ultra Repair Cream Intense Repair

Rp. 200.000



11 users

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55% users

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19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

15 Feb 2024

poisonigy recommends this product!

LISTEN. i have a severe ezcema and the dermatologist told me to use this both on my face and skin. it doesn’t helps my hand’s ezcema at all tho. but it helps my face. my face was burning, red and sore because of ezcema. some area is peeling also. but this helps

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Brand website



Combination, Light, Warm

13 Sep 2021

honey_bee recommends this product!

Pakai ini as night cream kalo abis pake retinolnya Drunk Elephant yg harsh banget. Dia lebih cocok buat ngecounter efek drying skincare lain sih, karena kalo dipake sendiri aku merasa teksturnya terlalu berat. Tapi enaknya adalah moisturizer ini enggak oily, jadi kalopun dipake pagi2 juga enggak bikin shiny

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

20 May 2020

eqiparamitha recommends this product!

Buat aku yang punya kulit kering dan sensitif, moisturizer is a must. One day aku dapat travel sizenya ini dari sephora dan baca-baca claim dan reviewnya katanya ini bagus untuk kulit sensitif bahkan aman untuk bayi. Dan sesuai claimnya emang beneran bagus. Hydrating banget tapi ga greasy dan ga bikin kulit aku gatal ato breakout.

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Sephora



35 - 39

Combination, Light, Warm

20 May 2020

Fr4nc3s recommends this product!

Cream yang lagi sering aku pake sbg final moisturizer after layering a lot of hydrating toner and serum kalo kulit lg dehidrasi. Teksturnya mnrtku UNIK banget, kaya mousse yang airy gitu, tp ttep dia cream, bukan gel, dan spreadability nya gampang banget begitu kena kulit kaya langsung melt dan meresap sempurna gitu 💗 Jangan takut duluan buat yang punya tipe kulit oily karena walopun ditulisnya ini utk dry parched skin tapi bisa banget dipake buat oily skin lho. Gak ada kesan heavy/greasy sama sekali, malah di aku finishnya kaya gak pake apa2 pdhl pakenya lmayan generous lho. Dan bagusnya lagi cream ini no fragrance/essential oils yeayyy.. Nge-sealnya enak deh, occlusivenya dapet tp krn tekstur mousse nya itu tadi jd bikin kulit ttep bisa ‘nafas’ dan bisa banget dipake di siang hari. Lembabnya juga tahan lama, apalagi kalo kulitku lg iritasi, kerasa bgt efek soothingnya 👌🏼

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Tokopedia



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

15 Apr 2020

velarenciaa doesn't recommend this product!

Super sorry but it's a no from me.. I was battling with over sensitive skin, redness, acne, and dry patches around my mouth and chin area and was surfing through the internet to find a nice perfect moisturiser for my oily dehydrated sensitive skin and stumbled upon this. Decided to huy it, first time using it, it burned my face and after several time using this, recognised the area around my mouth wasn't getting any better and in fact started to peel. Scared shitless so I stopped using it. It didn't break me out but it burned so yeah no, thanks. Since I still had the majority of the product left, decided to use it as a body lotion and first time it itched my skin a bit but after using it time and time again, my skin seemed to get use to it but I was too lazy to use it everyday. Used it on my palm and feet since the heel of my feet got quite dry and had no other option so I inverted this to a hand and feet cream lol. Wasn't great for either of it but enough to make me feel not wasting the product in vain. not going to repurchase it. Oh! and I kinda did my own research about the ingredients in this since it burned my skin and peeled it off. There was an ingredient in it that can cause peeling and I was like... oooohhhh that's why my skin was flaky.. Around maybe 2-5% of people who used this encounter the same problem as mine so I wasn't feeling left out.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Normal, Medium, Neutral

29 Feb 2020

vivitraa recommends this product!

Day moisturiser favorit, karena nggak bikin kulitku berasa lengket setelah pakai cream ini. Meskipun kulitku cenderung normal-dry aku nggak terlalu suka moisturiser yang bikin kulit super lengket. Pakai dikit aja udah cukup bikin kulitku terasa lembab. Sayangnya produk ini belum tersedia di Sephora Indonesia, jadi kalau mau repurchase harus ke negara tetangga atau beli lewat olshop.

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Sephora



19 - 24

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

31 Oct 2019

nianayoo recommends this product!

satusatunya moisturizer yang bisa ngatasin efek pengelupasan lepas krim dokter kuu. tanpa purging sama sekali. Gampang meresap tapi ttp kerasa kayak punya lapisan baru biar krimnya itu ga nguap dr kulit, shg kulit ttp lembab setelah pemakaian.

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Sephora



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

10 Jun 2019

hate love relationship sama produk ini, aku kalo keluar negri biasanya mukanya langsung dry dan ada dry patchesnya dan ini bener bener nolong tapi kalo aku diamin kelamaan dimuka / overnight malah memicu jerawatku jadi biasanya make di daerah dry patches aja.



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Warm

16 Jun 2018

Setelah nyoba nyoba berberapa cream and moisturizer, ini yang paling cocok. gak berbau, ga berasa pakai. Setelah di oleskan di muka, langsung menyerap. Aku pake ini tiap pagi dan malam. Malam setelah toner, dan pagi sebelum sunscreen. Kulit jadi lebih ter hidrasi. Untuk harga, mahal dan di Indo gaada. Kalo mau beli, harus nitip temen yang ke luar negri. Sekarang lagi re purchase. worth the price banget!



40 - 44

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

12 Aug 2017

Life saver ketika kulit lagi kering dan dehidrasi sampai dagu, cuping hidung dan
kedua ujung bibir mengelupas, diperparah udara musim dingin yang kering ketika
travelling. Awal pemakaian memang muncul jerawat, mungkin karena proses
cleansing yang kurang bersih. Walaupun sangat melembapkan tapi teksturnya gak
terlalu thick dan cukup mudah menyerap. Bisa jadi andalan ketika kondisi kulit
sedang kering dan dehidrasi.
