A by BOM Blue Cica Azulene Dew Soothing Hydration Cream - Beauty Review

A by BOM

Blue Cica Azulene Dew Soothing Hydration Cream

Rp. 0



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19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

03 Feb 2022

romaine recommends this product!

This cooling water-gel moisturizer gives very long hydration, soothes dull oily combi skin. My skin drinks it up quickly. And happy. Pop it in the fridge. Been using it for 3 weeks , day and night and my skin is less bumpy less flaky. I am loving it

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Gift



35 - 39

Normal, Medium Light, Warm

26 Jan 2020

dhanisniluh recommends this product!

moisturizer gel ini enak bgt, soothing calming apalagi dipake pas kulit lagi rewel, merah2, iritasi. bentuknya gel, gampang banget nyerap tp masih kerasa lembap, dan awet lembapnya. aku suka pake jadi sleeping mask, dipake tebal2 paginya kulit jadi halus dan kenyal. enak banget kalo disimpan dikulkas, langsung nyes dikulit. isinya 100ml lumayan banyak dibanding ukuran moisturizer pada umumnya 💕

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



35 - 39

Normal, Medium, Warm

23 Jan 2020

ms_geey recommends this product!

Salah satu produk yg kubeli karena cakep. Haha. Selain cakep reviewnya juga bagus2 ding. Ini adalah gel yang klaimnya soothing. Biasanya aku ga suka pelembab berbentuk gel karena kurang menahan kelembapan, tapi yang ini lain. Walaupun berbentuk gel tapi ini beneran hydrating dan cukup oklusif jadi ttp bikin kulit lembap seharian. Saat diaplikasikan dia terasa adem, dan efek soothingnya beneran, gak kaleng2. Setiap mukaku merah2 ga jelas, dipakein ini pasti langsung ilang. I know it’s a gem, yg harusnya ga usah dipake tiap hari, tapi jadi p3k aja. Tapi selalu gatel to reach this on every AM routine, kangen sensasi adem dan soothingnya. Apalagi sekarang lg pake retinol, yg bikin mukaku merah2 di pagi hari. I’ll slap this blue gel cream with glee. Would i recommend this? With all my heart. Would i repurchase? Yes, if i can get it with good price. Well, price is the only downside of this product. I wish it could be cheaper, haha!

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee