Tatcha The Silk Cream - Beauty Review


The Silk Cream

Rp. 1.800.000



2 users

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30 - 34

Normal, Light, Neutral

16 Jul 2023

cimy27 recommends this product!

Krn sekarang Tatcha udah masuk jpn,, jd pgn coba lagi skincarenya.. Yg line (white packaging) ini hampir semua cocok di aku.. Aku beli yg trial set krn penasaran sama moisturizer ini..Ternyata memang bagus bgt!! Waktu dipake ga brasa berat ato lengket, Tapi tetep moist bgt.. Abis itu kulit jd alus n kenyal gt.. Ga bikin jerawatan juga di aku.. Sukaaa bgt.. Tapi full sizenya mahal..:(

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : @cosme



30 - 34

Combination, Light, Neutral

11 May 2021

nellysoegianto91 recommends this product!

This is it, my holy grail face moisturizer. Uuhh words cannot describe gaess. Texture cream ini itu hybrid antara cream & gel which results in a lightweight cream but extremely smooth and absorbs like nothing else on the skin. Super hydrating, beneran no kaleng-kaleng deh, kulit kelihatan jadi segar, sehat, nggak kusam, glowing sehat gitu deh. This is also anti aging. Downsidenya ini MAHAL, lebih mahal daripada yang water cream & dewy cream, I think because this cream contains better ingredients and better for your skin. Kayanya g bakalan bisa lepas dari cream ini deh, most definitely will repurchased

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee