Stratia Stratia Liquid Gold - Beauty Review


Stratia Liquid Gold

Liquid Gold

Rp. 24



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25 - 29

Combination, Medium Dark, Neutral

27 Apr 2022

edwinbartholo recommends this product!

Review based pemakaian di 2021 around sept, on&off tapi selalu pakai kalau lagi sensitif.
Light weight lotion based serum-moisturizer that oily skin might find this moisturizing enough as a moisturizer step, while dry skin might find this as an emulsion step. It has natural yellow ‘gold’ colour from Sea Buckthorn oil. No artificial fragrance but there is a subtle scent I believe it comes from Sea Buckthorn. Fast to absorbs, feels rich & nourishing without leaving any greasiness, also leaves a silky smooth feelings on my skin (perhaps because of the oil). Though it has a natural yellow-ish colour, it doesn’t leave any tint on my skin, but perhaps for those with pale skin might be able to see the tint more visible.

Airless, hard plastic pump bottle. No issues with that.

Another one of my ’SOS’ products when my skin becomes sensitive and gets irritated, sensitized, itchy, flaky, scaling, you name it.

So my skin tends to get itchy, flaky/scaling around the nose, mouth and sometimes chin area. Maybe it is because I’ve over exfoliate my skin or another product did this to me. Another reason is I tend to have runny nose (esp in the morning) because of allergies, so I always wipe my nose with tissues and dried me out (again). Then I watched @kellydriscoll and other youtubers that have mention this several times as their go to ‘barrier repair/care’ products.

It contains 4% niacinamide, 3 types of ceramides, fatty acid (phytosphingosine, rose hip oil, sea buckthorn oil) and cholesterol. They are a best combination ingredients for barrier repair and my skin has been enjoying those combination. Even before stratia I have tried several products that contains each ingredients separartely.

It does a pretty good job for repairing/healing my skin barrier. Dry patches healed faster and also there’s no itchiness whatsoever. Also it didn’t sting on the area where I get irritation. I didn’t use any chemical exfoliation or retinol for a week, only soothing and barrier care products including this and spot treatment. The results within a week my skin got back to normal.

I use one pump as emulsion step when my skin gets dry or two pumps as a 𝒏𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 moisturizer when my skin gets oily. It layers nicely, no pilling with my sunscreen during the day, but it’s quite heavy when the weather gets too hot & humid during the day.

Conclusion: If your skin gets sensitized or very sensitive, try this one! But for those who has acne prone skin (including me), I don’t think this would do much for acne because based from my experience it’s just a nice barrier repair for dry-patchy, dehydrated and sensitized skin. I would still prefer BHA to treat my acne though. But it is still my fav ‘SOS’ product.

Ratings: 5/5 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
A lovely barrier care, repair, protection, healing, strengthening product.

🛒= shopforall shopee

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

22 Jun 2021

anieno recommends this product!

pertama kenal ini pas main di lapak FD jaman masih th 2017-2018 ikutan PO ini pas Black Friday di lapaknya Runa, pas itu lagi BO ga usai2, akhirnya coba rutin pake ini sebulan pertama aja muka udah sooo much better akhirnya jadi moisturizer kesayangan yang always aku stock sampai sekarang dan pasti repurchase selamanyaaaa... Kandungan dan formulasinya belum ada yang menandingi deh. Kandungannya adalah ceramides, cholesterol, fatty acids dan Niacinamide yang dapat memperbaiki skin barrier
Teksturnya adalah cream dengan warna kuning bright yang berasal dari Sea Buckthorn oil. Produk ini tidak mengandung fragrance tapi kalau dicium ada baunya sedikit, bau yang unik dari natural ingredients tapi ga ganggu ko. Aku pakai 1 pump aja cukup untuk semuka, finishnya muka langsung glowing dan plump tapi ga greasy, ciamik sekaliii
.Produk ini cocok untuk kulit sensitif dan dehidrasi atau untuk calming saat kulit iritasi. Di kulit ku efeknya bener-bener calming jerawat dan memberi hidrasi yang pas banget! Aku berasa banget ini memperkuat skin barrier ku karena dulu pas kulit over exfo aku pasti langsung pakai ini single use dan dalam seminggu kulit langsung kembali normal lagi

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



30 - 34

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

20 Oct 2020

asihta18 recommends this product!

I knew this product from one of my trusted online shop (well they have both website and e-commerce, at Shopee). Secara packaging, suka banget karena botolnya slim dan pakai pump. Lebih higienis karena tidak terpapar udara atau harus buka tutup produk. Tekstur lightweight, untuk kulit kering seperti aku cukup melembabkan banget. Aromanya mungkin tidak semua orang suka, ada beberapa yg bilang amis, tapi menurutku seperti overripe banana. Awalnya aku juga merasa kurang nyaman, tapi karena sebentar jadi aku ga masalah. Liquid Gold ini juga mengandung ceramids, cholesterol, dan fatty acids. Free from fragrance, alcohol and EO. Warnanya memang kuning-agak oranye (yang dihasilkan dari Sea Buckthorn), mungkin untuk yg berkulit putih/terang akan sedikit terlihat ketika pertama kali diaplikasikan, tapi setelah dibaurkan secara merata dan menyerap akan menyesuaikan dengan warna kulit. Aku pakai ini pertama kali ketika kulit sedang breakout, pemakaian sebulan pertama kulit terasa membaik. Paling jelas kulitku terasa lembab banget dan ga perih lagi. Sekarang sudah botol kedua, secinta itu kulitku sama Stratia saat ini. Kalau aku perhatikan, sepertinya brand skincare US ini tidak terlalu populer. Tapi kalau kalian cari produk yang bisa bantu memperkuat skin barrier bisa coba produk satu ini. 💛💛💛

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



40 - 44

Oily, Light, Neutral

05 Feb 2020

gina recommends this product!

Formulanya warbyasah sih ada Ceramides, Cholesterol dan Fatty Acids itu yang ada di kulit kita. Formnya cream kental dan warnanya kuning karena ada minyak sea buckthorn nya. Di kulit oily ku produk ini rich banget, lama meresap dan greasy. Tapi paling enak pake kalo kulit lg rewel karena pake Trerinoid.

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Brand website



30 - 34

Combination, Light, Neutral

03 Oct 2019

banana88 recommends this product!

dulu paling bingung kalo nyari skin moisturizer. kalo ngga bikin clogging/ jerawatan, ya masih kering kulitnya/ berasa kurang hidrasi. sebelum pake ini aku cm cocok sama shiseido yg white lucent luminizing infuser lotion. krn bentuknya hampir encer tapi msh bisa ngelembabin. dipakenya disayang2 karena nyarinya susah 😂. jd emg kulitnya bisanya sama moisturizer yg ga berat2 atau bentuknya cream maupun gel. trus mencoba ini krn udah cinta banget sama stratia rewind. berharap ini juga oke. dan ternyata emang ok, meskipun di instruksu makenya harus dikit banget jangan banyak2. basenya dia lipid/ kolesterol yg bantu sbg barrier kulit jg. di dalamnya tetap ada niacinamide. minusnyaa...baunya kayak bau minyak ikan tentunya 😂. makanya kalo banyak2 suami marah2 krn kecium bau amis minyak 😅. meskipun baru sebulan make setidaknya efeknya hampir sama kayak shiseido, ngelembapin, tapi dalam kadar normal yg dibutuhkan. ga jadi kilang minyak yang kemudian clogging dan jadi jerawat seperti biasanya

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee