I'm From Rice Cream - Beauty Review

I'm From

Rice Cream

Rp. 0



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19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

12 Dec 2023

abigails recommends this product!

The way this feels so smooth and gentle going on to my skin. It doesn't really smell like much of anything which is a plus because I prefer unscented products on my face. I have combo skin and this is a perfect balance for my skin. It's super moisturizing but doesn't clog my pores. It also sits so well under my makeup and also at night time after I apply the rest of my skincare . My skin feels so hydrated and plump after use. It's smaller than I was expecting but a little goes a long way.

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Lazada



30 - 34

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

30 Jul 2023

ariestyananda recommends this product!

Wow, first review. Suka banget sama mositurizer ini dan udah 2x repurchase. Produk I'm From alhamdulillah gak pernah gagal menurutku, dan Rice Cream ini termasuk favoritku. Teksturnya berupa cream ringan yg finishnya cenderung velvet. Wanginya soft, enaaak banget, ada wangi khas beras dikiiit banget tp lebih dominan wangi floral yg soft. Ngasih efek lembut banget di kulit setelah pemakaian, lebih ke tipe emmolient moisturizer. Memang dari sisi kelembaban dia agak kurang tahan lama makanya aku selalu combo dengan face oil (aku pakai luxiorous BBL), tapi efek lembut setelah pakai dia dan juga berangsur lebih cerah setelah pakai serangkaian dengan toner n serumnya, aku jd blm berminat buat ganti ke moisturizer lain. Dari sisi kemasan, cream ini dikemas dalam jar kaca bening ukuran 50ml. Simple seperti khasnya I'm From.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Sociolla