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30 Apr 2023
auliaasaf recommends this product!
Cream yang menghidrasi dan super melembabkan. Cream ini juga membantu rebuild skin barrier alami dan melindungi kulit dari radikal bebas. Apalagi yang dicari?!
Mengandung fermented seaweed extract, mineral-rich seawater, peptide, and plant stem cell extract. Udah ga perlu lagi serum sih kalau kandungannya udah super menutrisi gini ✨️
Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month
Purchase Point : PR Package
09 Mar 2023
Wulan_ayvv recommends this product!
di usia ku yang nggak muda lagi sepertinya aku butuh Cream dengan teksture Seperti Heimish ini. jujur sebenernya tuh aku agak lama buat ngerasain suka sama cream ini karena teksture nya Lumayan thick dan susah banget di aplikasikan. Cream ini kaya ngeblok di satu sisi dan ada feel licin saat aku coba aplikasikan. tapii setelah beberapa bulan rutin pake nya ternyata ada perubahan di kulit aku donk, Kulit lebih kenyal dan Wrinkle agak tersamarkan, harga nya lumayan mahal sih buatku tapi sebanding banget dengan hasil nya
Usage Period : More than 1 year
Purchase Point : PR Package
20 Aug 2022
viviwidjaja recommends this product!
Kulit kalian terlihat kusam dan lelah??. Kalian harus mencoba produk ini. Pelembab ini sangat bagus digunakan untuk menghidrasi dan melembabkan kulit yang lelah sehingga kulit kita akan terlihat lebih muda dan sehat 😍Benefits : ✔ Hydrates Kulit Kering dan Lelah ✔ membuat kulit halus dan lembut ✔ Memperkuat skin barrier✔ Efek anti penuaan yang superiorKe 2 produk tersebut : ✔ Dermatology tested, cruelty free & veganMain ingredients :✔ Main ingredients 51% of Miracle Marine water and 2% niacinamide untuk memberikan kelembapan extra pada kulit #heimish #heimishcosmetic
Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months
Purchase Point : PR Package
13 Dec 2021
pinkeyxoxo recommends this product!
What's inside :
💦Fermented Seaweed Complex 💦Peptide
💦Plant Stem Cell Extract Texture wise this is a very THICC and buttery facial cream claims to help with anti-aging concerns & brighten skin's overall complexion. It has a fresh scent that is reminiscent of the beach on a sunny day🏖️Me likey! I have used this cream on my PM routine for more than 2weeks and did not experience any irritations. However as a person w/ combination skin type, i personally find this cream to be too rich for me. It's so emmollient that I find it hard to properly spread the cream on my face, not sure why🙄 As an alternative, I prefer to use it on my neck area and it works well! Also the good thing, it's really nourishing and softer my skin also the finishing is not sticky at all!😍 For those with dry skin will definitely enjoy this face cream more🤗✨
Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month
Purchase Point : PR Package
27 Nov 2021
devitahaerany recommends this product!
You just need a small amount for this cream, a little goes a long way. It’s a rich cream and has a thick texture. But still, it doesn’t feel heavy, this cream is still spreadable and not leaving any residue. If you having dry skin just like mine, this one is for you and you’ll going love it!👌🏻
Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month
Purchase Point : PR Package