This Is April Body Serum - Beauty Review

This Is April

Body Serum

You Are Unique

Rp. 109.000



3 users

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19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

12 Jul 2020

monicadebora recommends this product!

Baunya enak banget, ga diragukan lagi. Bagusnya juga dia cepet banget nyerap, ga bikin lengket, jadinya nyaman banget dipake. Dia bukan tipe yang bikin cerah seketika sih, tapi buat yang mau self care dengan cara merawat kulit supaya lebih halus dan lembut juga wangi, ini cocok banget.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Gift



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

25 Jun 2020

Reskiwardina recommends this product!

klo masalah wangi aduh udah gak bsaa boong lagi, emg bagus banget produknyaa. Texturenya juga ringan dan lembut sehingga mudah menyerap dikulit yaa, lumayan bisa ngemoist kulit jugaa. Packaging sih bagus tube gitu dan gede tapi isinyaa kurang banyak menurut aku untuk harganya yang hampir 100 rebu. Tapi kualitas oke sih guys..

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Gift



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

23 Dec 2019

gracegouw recommends this product!

For someone looking for body serum that affordable, I recommend this one. This hydrating and soothing body serum naturally makes the skin to natural glow. It’s lightweight and sorbs quick. Thanks to the hydrating ability, I’ve seen my skin softer, smoother, and my tone is even from head to toe. Love! ❤️

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store