Natural Honey Natural Honey Firm & Stretch Mark Care - Beauty Review

Natural Honey

Natural Honey Firm & Stretch Mark Care

Rp. 32.000



7 users

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25 - 29

Dry, Medium Light, Warm

09 Nov 2021

just_nee recommends this product!

Jadi ini lotion dengan klaim menghilangkan stretchmarks. Aku ga expect too much mengingat harganya yg sangat terjangkau. Teksturnya rich namun tetap mudah dibaurkan. Wangi floral yg calming dan lumayan long lasting loh di kulit. Untuk efek yg aku rasakan di kulit semakin terhidrasi dan lembabnya tahan lama. Kalau untuk stretchmarks belum ada efek yah karena baru ngabisin 1 botol, mungkin akan terlihat kalau pemakaian lebih banyak lagi dan rutin.

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

19 Aug 2021

vivisampelan recommends this product!

udah second purchase dan gatau kenapa yaa mungkin karena ingridients dan claim nya yang bikin tertarik yaitu collagen dan stretch marks... tapi aku suka karena ga lengket dan wanginya ga terlalu strong banget jadi kalo pake parfume yang udah wanginya perfume akuu... nah ini body lotion yang aku pake diseluruh badan yaaah.. so far keknya bakal jadi most fav lotion aku deh hohooh

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Normal, Medium Light, Neutral

13 Aug 2021

deksung_ recommends this product!

Karena punya cukup banyak selulit di area bokong-paha, tertarik buat coba body serum ini, kesan pertama wanginya menenangkan ya, apalagi dipake sehabis mandi sebelum tidur malam haha, untuk efek menghilangkan selulit kayaknya wajib sabar, mengingat selulit ini sudah menahun ada lamanya haha, untuk melembabkan juara banget apalagi tidur kerja di ruangan ber AC, kulit jadi gak kering dan lembut. Beli lagi? Kurasa, iya.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point :



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Warm

06 Mar 2021

rimaaaanr recommends this product!

Pertama kali coba produk ini suka banget karna wanginya yg gak lebay, enak banget di hidung. Terus teksturnya gak begitu cair dan yang paling aku suka adalah bikin kulit aku halus dan lembab. Kalo masalah strechmark menurut aku, worth it juga karna aku merasa sedikit memudarkan warna strechmark mungkin kalau istiqomah bisa hilang juga. Kalian wajib banget coba 😍

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Normal, Medium Light, Neutral

08 Feb 2021

avitajulistacia recommends this product!

Pertama kali coba dan suka bangettt.. Tipe kulitku normal ke kering, uda coba body serum + lotion lain macem macem menurutku ga bisa melembabkan selembab ini. Padahal ini bukan body butter tapi lembab banget, wanginya juga sukaa.

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Shopee



30 - 34

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

12 Nov 2020

mooncookie recommends this product!

This product is nothing like any other serum that I've ever tried because booooy, it's hecking thick! Kayak kebanyakan produk kecantikan yg gw beli lainnya, gw juga nyobain body serum ini mainly karena iseng. I was on the hunt for a new body lotion to be applied fresh outta shower. As someone who just recently got enlightened about skincare ingredients, I looked for something that has hyaluronic acid in it to deep hydrate my skin. I was prepared to spend some coin thinking that the said product will probably cost me a fortune as it may be coming from sum imported brand but then I stumbled upon this. I got even more intrigued the moment I read in the description box that this product also contains centella asiatica. Weird move for a body lotion but still sold anyway lol. The surprise didn't stop there. When I first squeezed this serum onto the palm of my hand, I quickly noticed how thick the consistency was. I am talking about a physical sunscreen or mustika ratu's bengkoang mask paste thick NGL! That being said, despite being kinda hard to spread out on my skin, it settled down just alright with no stickiness residue (almost powdery even??). In case you were wondering how it smelled, it smelled somewhat like that mustika ratu's mask as well hahaha! All in all, I'm pretty pleased by this first impression and am looking forward to this product proving it claims to hydrate and maybe whither my stretchmarks away. The expectation is pretty low but we'll see. May update this review in the next coming months so please stay tuned

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee