Crabtree and Evelyn Skin Quenching Body Lotion - Beauty Review

Crabtree and Evelyn

Skin Quenching Body Lotion

Citron, Honey & Coriander

Rp. 341.965



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25 - 29

Oily, Light, Warm

25 Jun 2016

Aku sebenarnya gak doyan sama wangi citrus karena kadang bikin kepalaku sakit, tapi produk ini wangi citrus nya gak lebay, ringan aja gitu. Enak deh pokoknya hhh. Pakai ini setelah mandi dan kulitku jadi lembab dan rasanya menyenangkan. Aku punya yg travel size jadi praktis dibawa kemana-mana. Repurchase kalau ada diskon gede2an soalnya harganya lumayan mahal menurutku.



19 - 24

Combination, Light, Neutral

14 May 2016

Hmm. botolnya mewah banget. Its my pleasure to tell you that i love citrus very much. Seger banget. Apalagi kalo dipake untuk handbody, rasanya enak banget. seger. jadi ga perlu pake parfum lagi . Sayang, botolnya ga travel friendly jadi susah dibawa ke mana mana TT



25 - 29

Oily, Medium, Warm

10 May 2016

Brand luar gini pasti high quality product nih. Pengen coba deh jadinya. Semoga cocok buat kulit aku yah. Aku biasa pakai produk yang botolnya bisa ditukar itu, Kebetulan udah abis jadi mau cobain yang ini.



25 - 29

Normal, Light, Neutral

19 Jan 2016

I tried this one because it has a nice scent. It has fresh scent but not too strong and i love it cause it stays for quite long. the consistency is a little bit thick, creamy, but easily absorbed into the skin. This product moisturize my skin that tends to dry very well. The price is quite expensive, but its worth the price.



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

09 Jan 2016

Kalo aja ini produk sedikit lebih affordable dan mudah dicari di drugstore indo mgkn ini bakal jd my daily body lotion. Krn aku sukaaaa sekali sama wanginya, menghidrasi dan bikin kulitku jd velvety gitu. Ga greasy sama sekali, lgsg nyerep, lgsg aluus<3



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

18 Oct 2013

I really love this body lotion. The lemony scent not too strong, yet sweet and fresh. The consistency is thick and creamy. I feel my skin instantly rehydrated after applied this body lotion. I just need a little amount thou. And the best part is it's not sticky, even my skin sometimes oily and sometimes can be dry. So don't look at the price, as the price quite expensive for a body lotion. It totally worth the price.