Jergens Wet Skin Moisturizer - Beauty Review


Wet Skin Moisturizer

Nourishing Monoi Oil

Rp. 8



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25 - 29

Oily, Light, Warm

13 Apr 2018

If you’re like me and you need to moisturize your skin but you hate putting on lotion on your dry body: this product is for you!

Produk ini sounds gimmicky jd wlpun udh cukup lama, agak takut belinya, but since @ikatyh recommends this to me, akhirnya beli deh. Ini lotion yg dipakenya sehabis mandi tp sblm mengeringkan badan, jd kondisi kulit msh basah. Lotionnya agak encer dibanding lotion biasa, dan pas diaplikasikan ke kulit kaya pake milky essence/emulsion gt. Biasanya setelah aplikasi ini aku gak keringin badan dgn gosok2 handuk sih, I air-dry my skin krn sayang kl lotionnya kegosok hehe.

Melembabkan tp gak kerasa tebel/lengket di kulit. I even tested this after showering w/ sabun batang yg super kering (saking keringnya pas baru kena kulit langsung keset) + hot water to see how good this is. Biasanya kl aku mandi dgn bar soap tsb tanpa pake lotion pasti gatel2 seharian, but it did not happen which means this product is really moisturizing!

Compared to in-shower lotion (Nivea/Olay): in-shower lotion mesti dibilas jd kaya mandi dua kali. Dan bilassnnya bikin lantai kamar mandi jd super licin dan bahaya. This product is not like that!

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

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