Glossier Coconut Balm Dotcom - Beauty Review


Coconut Balm Dotcom

Rp. 12



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19 - 24

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

01 Feb 2021

janicechg recommends this product!

Untuk sebuah lip balm ini cukup mahal sih, but overall dia cukup baik untuk bibir keringku. Aku juga suka pake dia under lipstick, and it performs really well under lipstick, dia ga merusak tekstur lipstick. Coconut ini clear dan ga ada tint sama sekali, dan wanginya ENAK bgt, wanginya kaya kue ato cookies dengan hint coconut, and im absolutely addicted to the scent. Tetapi minus nya semua balm dotcom, formula mereka suka seperate on its own, kdg” yg keluar minyak doang ato ga yg keluar balm nya doang, cukup annoying sih, dan pastinya harganya yg keitung mahal untuk sebuah lip balm! But overall i still love them and would probably repurchase them

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

05 Jul 2019

Di beliin temen dr US. Wanginya aku sukaa, cuma ya agak tebel di bibir. Berasa banget tebelnya tapi mungkin aku bukan typical yg pakai lipbalmnya jadi gak gt bs compare hehe. Tapi suka sama wanginya sih hehe

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



18 and Under

Combination, Medium, Warm

12 Apr 2019

terkejuuuut. bibirku keringnya kronis bgt wkwkw. udah coba berbagai macam lipbalm terkenal gak ada yg works. satu satunya yg bikin bibirku lembab adalah olive oil tapi baunya gengges banget di bibir. terus akhirnya aku coba coba beli ini, walaupun agak suspicious karna org org bilang ini vaseline in high end brand. to be honest.... it works so well on me! bibirku jd gak kering dan jadi bagus kalo di pakein lipstick. terus lembab nya tahan beberapa jam kadang sampe seharian. plusnya lagi, baunya kaya kueeee. doesnt smell that much like coconut imo. aku sering bgt monyong monyongin bibir kaya org gila, padahal aku lagi nyium glossier ini hahahaha. wanginya seenak ituu sooo yummy.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Combination, Light, Neutral

11 Feb 2019

Smells sooo good!! Packagingnya lucu, Teksturnya ky lucas papaw, agak lengket dan oily sih kalo menurutku, trus warnanya transparan, Kelembabannya lumayan sih tapi klo bibir ud kering banget tetep ga cukup buat lembabin utk harga yg lumayan kayanya masih banyak produk lain yg lebih oke.. aku sih lebih pilih pake dari merek tiffs body ya drpd balmdotcom ini hehehe

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

22 Jun 2018

as a lip-balm kinda girl.. this balm can hydrate my lips as good as lucas papaw, but with coconut flavor in it (which is good! i love coconuts!) biasanya aku pakai ini as a hand salve too, it hydrates and moisturizes my hands and nails. super love this!

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



19 - 24

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

25 Feb 2018

I have the coconut and the cherry balm dotcom and lemme tell you that this is the only lip balm that can moisturize my lips. This thing is not a joke. Most lip balms I have ever used from many different balms rather make my lips peel once it sets and I don’t why they do that but this one is really really really hydrating and moisturizing. Highly highly recommended for extra dry lips, and peel-prone like mine!

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :