LUSH Self-preserving Mask of Magnaminty - Beauty Review


Self-preserving Mask of Magnaminty

Rp. 0



108 users

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25 - 29

Combination, Medium, Neutral

30 Sep 2022

putriintan_okt doesn't recommend this product!

kayaknya dulu ini sempat hits banget sampe pake jastip segala mana harganya lumayan lagi. berekspektasi tinggi dengan vitalnya masker ini ahirnya ku nekat beli. tekstur masknya kasar dan ada cooling effectnya pas dipake. wanginya mint gitu jadi lumayan menenangkan tapi hasilnya nothing. tidak ada efek apapun sampe abisssss

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Instagram



19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Warm

03 Apr 2022

Afanintahany doesn't recommend this product!

Aku gangerti kenapa dulu ampe nunggu org org jastip dari LN cuma buat lush yg ini. Skrg pas aku pake biasa bgt efeknya ya cuma cooling down aja, terus aku gasuka sama butiran eksfoliasinya itu bikin iritasi kemerahan di kulit aku. Kayanya emg udh ga cocok aja produk luah yg jni di aku

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Dry, Light, Cool

12 Dec 2021

mahardenita recommends this product!

Masker ini di kulit kering ga bikin makin kering, ga bikin ketarik juga, bikin kulit wajah fresh, sensasi coolingnya pas banget, wangi ice cream choco mintnya enak banget bikin pengen ngejilatin maskernya tiap lagi pake. Tapi tekstur masker ini bikin kulitku perih saat dibilas, repurchase? Sadly, no.

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Dry, Medium, Neutral

02 Dec 2021

Fir__ recommends this product!

Mask of Magnaminty Self-Preserved - the one I bought impulsively yet grateful that I did 🥰

One of the Lush BA suggests me this version when she knew I have a dry skin, the SP version contains honey🍯 that will help to moisturize & hydrate the skin while buffing off the dead skin/excess sebum.

Actually right, my skin will tend to get oily around cheeks but also dehydrated most of the time when I’m on my period.

I have been using this 2 to 3 times this week (sorry lost count). Specifically because I was out under the sun last week on my very first day of 🩸 - wore a mask all day! 🤢 what I noticed after using this, skin was behaved a lot better. It does control and somehow prevent the closed comedones to show up😏

It’s just amazing. 😮‍💨💕

TLDR: I only this (½ tsp for a whole face) for 5 or 10 mins at most. It has cooling sensation - didnt bother me tho! Turns out so relaxing. Doesnt dry out the skin, in fact, leaves my skin smooth and soothes my redness. Helps the skins congestion - a lot. Can also be used on body - specially if you have back-acne/any body acne. Store it in the fridge for a longer shelf life and a better experience✨

Just make sure you’re not scrubbing it too harsh okay. Anything thats TOO MUCH is not good. ☺️

⭐️ It’s 4.8/5 from me!
Highly recommend this to all skin type who struggles with closed comedones, dull skin, or redness.

🏷 RM 85 for 125gr

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



25 - 29

Dry, Medium Light, Warm

10 May 2021

istiqomah15 recommends this product!

love this product, sebelum adanya masker2 sejenis dia ini. aku kepincut sama dia dari dulu dan kesampean deh. tekstur scrubnya agak kasar + dingin + baunya enak. walau kasar di aku g bikin kemerahan asal tidak lama dipakai, aku paling 5-10 menit aja. hasilnya? jerawat mendem keluar semua, trs jerawat dan bruntusan lama kering dan kempes. kalian mo detox? cocok bgt si dia wkwkw

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



18 and Under

Oily, Medium, Warm

03 Mar 2021

Alyanur_z4hra recommends this product!

SALAH SATU MASKER FAVORIT AKUU! omg ini bagus banget sih, pas dipake kayak rada keras gitu jadi aku kira dia bakal bikin ketarik, ternyata nggak! Terus, dia tuh bagus banget efeknya buat brightening ama ngempesin jerawat dan ngehilangin bruntusan gitu, apalagi kalau dipake rutin, beuhhh mantul efeknya!.

Usage Period : More than 1 year

Purchase Point : Shopee



19 - 24

Oily, Medium, Warm

26 Jan 2021

yolanndaputri19 recommends this product!

Geng lush! 💚 Udah jatuh cinta dari pemakaian pertama! Teksturnya, wanginya, efeknya semua muanyaaa! Teksturnya bener-bener kaya ice cream minty baskin robbins hahaha, wanginya jg enaaaaak bgtbgtbbgt! Lush mask of magnaminty ini kuncian kalau pengen maskeran tapi yg efeknya bikin wajar bersih dan instant cerah bin halussss! I LOVE IT 💚

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Official Brand Store



19 - 24

Dry, Medium, Neutral

28 Dec 2020

beberexhaa recommends this product!

OVERHYPE MASK! wanginya enak bgt, moist nya dapet bgt. ga bikin kering. calming✅. soothing✅, suka bgt gangerti lg. minusnya harus pre order krn import / jastip dr luar. pao nya juga lumayan sebentar. tp karna manfaatnya bagus bgt jd aku ttp suka❤️

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Shopee



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

21 Nov 2020

sarahadelia recommends this product!

Nitip lush mask of magnaminty varian yg original, eh malah dibeliin self-preserving. Yauda gapapa, bedanya sm original itu di kandungan honey untuk melembabkan. Sebenernya kulitku combination to oily, tapi kadang ada bagian yg kering jg. Secara tekstur ngga se-padat original, agak cair karena bukan tipe masker yg bikin kering. Overall aku tetep suka karena efektivitasnya menurutku sama aja kyk original, cuma beda di tekstur...

Usage Period : 3 months - 6 months

Purchase Point : Gift



25 - 29

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

28 Oct 2020

zahzahrah doesn't recommend this product!

Awalnya tertarik beli ini karena reviewnya bagus-bagus. Beli di jastip yang langsung dari Jepang. Kesan pertama maskernya wangi mint, terus teksturnya gak lembut tapi gak menyakiti kulit wajahku sih. Sayangnya sama sekali gak ngaruh di aku, hiks. Udah belinya mahal dan nunggu lama banget lagi. It doesn't work on me, and aku gak akan merekomendasikan ini kalau kalian berasal dari daerah yang susah untuk belinya. Mending uangnya disimpan dan cari produk lain aja. Setelah memakai ini beberapa lama, beruntusan dan iritasi di wajah aku enggak membaik sama sekali. Beruntunglah bagi mereka yang cocok. Dan untuk yang pengen coba-coba, pikir dulu baik-baik. Harga emang menentukan kualitas, tapi harga enggak bisa menentukan cocok tidaknya suatu produk di kulit kamu.

Usage Period : 1 month - 3 months

Purchase Point : Instagram
