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17 Jan 2016
Very rich texture for dry skin.
Contains some proven antioxidant plant oils and extracts. Aku sih suka pake ini, tapi masih ada product lain yang kurang lebih hasilnya seperti ini. Jadi mungkin aku mau coba yg lain lainnya juga.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
27 Sep 2015
mask ini bagus banget buat kulit kering. bikin kulit lembab dan kenyal. cocok banget gak bikin merah, gatel atau beruntusan. suka banget sama mask ini. cuma sayang susah banget di cari. gak banyak ol shop jual burts bee, atau beli nya by po di drugstore.
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
24 Sep 2015
Aku suka aromanya yang soft seperti aroma parfum anak2... Cocok untuk kulit kering dan kalau rutin pakainya terlihat garis2 halus di wajah tersamarkan. Setelah wajah dibersihkan langsung terasa lebih lembab dan kenyal :)
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
Purchase Point :
18 Mar 2014
Live up to expectation!
Apply mask on cleanse skin, leave on for 10 minutes, remove with tissue, massage remaining product on skin.
My dry skin absorbed its formula like water on sand. I applied this mask at night. The next morning I woke up to a softer, more subtle skin. Gone were that tight feeling I feel whenever I wake up in the morning. Gone were that flaky skin I suffer from dry skin condition. My skin felt reborn. Couldn't be happier!
Usage Period : Less than 1 week
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