Blithe Patting Splash Mask - Beauty Review


Patting Splash Mask

Energy Yellow Citrus & Honey

Rp. 0



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19 - 24

Combination, Medium, Warm

26 Aug 2020

dyaulyah recommends this product!

Maybe some of you guys, will say that this product is just a marketing gimmick. How can you using mask just a few seconds (15 seconds) and how to use is just pat in your face ? In fact, this product actually works very nicely on my skin. If the product not give me the best results then I will cry , this product is expensive for me (yes even though I bought at a discount price but still 😌) how come there are no results. But trust me, you will be surprised. ⁣⁣
How to use this product is very easy. You just need to prepare 700 ml of water, then pour the product the same size as the bottle cap. Mix well, then pat to the face. ⁣⁣
Your face immediately look brighter after wearing this, and of course also smooth because this is actually an exfoliating mask product. Because, the claim of this product there is a content of lactic acid and plant extracts (Citrus fruits extract) which make the skin more shiny, smooth, and soft instantly. ⁣⁣
I really like the smell of this product, is like oreng-y and fresh. The texture just like water but with hint of orange. This product is perfect for those of you who doesn’t have a lot of time but want to look brighter instantly. I often use this product, if there is an event and I want to look brighter, I can also wear it when I take a bath.⁣
You can buy this product at @cnfstoreofficial for 680k rupiah. I think it's worth it for those of you who don't have time, but don't want to have a dull face. This product might be perfect for you⁣⁣

Usage Period : 6 months - 1 year

Purchase Point : C&F



19 - 24

Oily, Medium Light, Neutral

10 Nov 2019

aisyafiya recommends this product!

productnya bagus banget, sebenernya kalau punya budget boleh coba sih, ini kalau dipake juga gak cepat habis krn harus di delute sama air. wangi jeruk bgt sukaa! dan bikin cerah keliatan banget setelah pemakaian. sejauh ini gak bikin muka iritasi atau kenapa kenapa. suka!

Usage Period : 1 week - 1 month

Purchase Point : Gift



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Neutral

15 Sep 2019

Beli ini jujur aja karena tertarik sama konsep pemakaiannya sih, ya walaupun namanya mask, tp dia lebih kayak pake toner gitu karena pemakaiannya yg di dilute sama air atau di pake dibawah shower. yang paling terasa banget dari pemakaiannya sih efek brightening dan refreshingnya ya. Dia punya kandungan lactic acid, di kulit q gak ada efek cekit2, tp tetep aq cuma pake 2 kali seminggu.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Normal, Light, Warm

31 Aug 2019

Beli preloved-an karena udah kepo bgt sm ini, oke sih hasilnya instan dan cepet bgt dipakenya. Harganya cukup mahal ya tp hasilnya emg instan bright bgt dari pemakaian pertama, wanginya citrusy bgt seger sih

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



40 - 44

Combination, Medium Dark, Warm

12 Jun 2019

Penasaran sama splash mask, ada member FD yg jual preloved aku langsung mau coba. Suka aja pakainya karena praktis, tp karena aku anaknya suka dengan keribetan, jd kurang gimana gitu... hahaa. Efek mencerahkan juga ga terlalu berasa.. tp aku penasaran sama varian lain.. mungkin akan beli yg raspberry kalo ini sudah habis.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



19 - 24

Combination, Medium Dark, Warm

01 May 2019

Sebenernya product ini bikin muka lebih cerah dan itu terlihat signifikan setelah digunakan. Namun dikulitku ini bikin bruntusan kecil kecil banyak gitu loh kaya nyebar :( sayang banget yak padahal bagus efek mencerhkannya

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Combination, Medium, Neutral

14 Dec 2018

Efek dari pakai splash mask ini langsung berasa di aku setelah 2x pemakaian. Pori-pori kerasa lebih rapet, muka lebih cerah, dan pas dipegang halus kenyal. Cara pakainya, aku tuang satu tutup botol di dalam air satu gayung, terus displash ke kulit muka sampai airnya habis. Setelahnya gak perlu dibilas lagi. Tapi aku tetep guyur mukaku dengan air shower sesudahnya biar berasa lebih segar

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Dry, Medium Light, Neutral

08 Dec 2018

Thanks to blithe for creating this splash mask. It's so effective for those who doesn't have much time to treat their skin. The smell is soo orange-y just like you want to drink it. It contains lactic acid (or AHA) for gentle exfoliating. it feels so refresh and my skin looks brighter.

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



25 - 29

Combination, Medium Dark, Warm

26 Jul 2018

just emptied this bottle of splash mask so I can finally write a review about this
this splash mask is a game changer for me it works as a mask/cleanser/exfoliator and toner at the same time and you only need 15 seconds. Splash mask ini bs dipake dua cara di dilute dg air di baskom/gayung (1 tutup botol dengan 700ml air) atau dipake dibawah shower 15 detik aja dan aku jg pake ini di dilute di air trus masukin ke spray bottle dijadiin toner cuma aku lebih suka dipake pas mandi lebih keliatan efeknya apalagi kalo dipakai dg shower
trus Blithe ini produknya simple dan perfect for a jetsetter working woman like me bener2 cut waktu pake skincare jadi singkat
Aku pakai ini di pagi hari ya membantu bgt abis pake ini lebih cerah dan seger muka2 bantal ketolong bgt

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :



30 - 34

Combination, Medium Light, Warm

03 Jul 2018

I can't think of simpler way to exfoliate than use this. Meskipun pas tiap make selalu pake deg2an bakal tumpah tapi it does really work. Aku suka ga notice soal produk skincare mencerahkan atau ga, tapi ini jelas memperbaiki tekstur. Smells awesome!!! ?

Usage Period : Less than 1 week

Purchase Point :
